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Everything posted by rbrtcrowther

  1. The one currently not fitted to mine is driven by a collection of hose clips and hose flying round in loose formation. Bit of a home made shaft in there too. I have one of those dynamos and a coupling off my doner engine, but as the one that was fitted to the diesel is suffering the same problem as yours i don't know which bit of what i am going to need. If you can bodge it till winter i may have some bits you can have. If you get really stuck you can borrow my dynamo and shaft if you like (don't know if the dynamo works but should have some springs in it)
  2. Good luck finding seals for your air packs. We have the same ones on our old crane at work (coles hydra husky 18 ton) this weighs 26 tons. we gave up and fitted the air tanks and master cylinder set up off a ford cargo truck. the brakes now work well enough to stop on the slipway at work. it never leaves the yard now but we needed some brakes being surrounded but thousands of pounds worth of boats!
  3. I think a scammell Constructor fitted with the recovery gear and crane from a leyland Martian would be my perfect truck. Is there such a beast. Or should i get my wallet and spanners out?
  4. My plan is to move it as often as possible. I think the bushes are stuck on the axle and turning in the beams...However as i don't plan to off road they should be ok for a while. When they have gone baggy i will sort it out i don't fancy trying to remove the beam with the bushes siezed to the axle.
  5. While the truck was out i removed the oil pipe on the rear axle jacked up the rear wheels and sat there with it in top gear all whirring round.... no sign of oil at all.....nothing.....not a sausage so i suppose the bloomin oil pump will have to come out if this too. I'm not supprised cos nothing else has had any oil pressure on this thing. Just another job to add to the list.:iamsmiling:
  6. I drove back and forth over this log for about half a hour...... I then tried heating the offending bush:idea: and pumpig oil into it but still no joy. another half an hour back and forth with no joy. It was at this piont i had a compleate sense of humor failure..:angry The block of wood was repositioned just behind the front wheel....And then cog number 4 was selected in gearbox. The meadows was brought up to its full 2000 rpms and the clutch was "let out rather sharpish". I then found myself sat on the gear gate with said truck heading at speed for the fence:sweat: Having extracted scammell from fence i was noted that the walking beam had now moved. We now had 5 wheels on the ground...Doh!!:??? With some more pumping of oil and back and forthing things are freeing off nicely. Think i must of pressed the clutch about 300 times today but on a positive note the meadows was running for about 5 hours non stop with 65 psi oil pressure and no oil leaks:yay:
  7. Today i decided to turn the Scammell round so i could start work on the other spring and walking beam. As the other one was stiff i thought i would check this one before i removed the wheels.........oh dear:shake:
  8. Mine stopped charging soon after i got it home. It had been kept in a shed for years so when it was left outside with no engine side panals on the dynamo got water in. this water sat in the bottom and has rusted the brush holders and armature. Think i will be able to sort it out it's in the garage at the mo waiting for time.
  9. Looking good. Hope you felt smug knowing you had the only meadows diesel there. Rollls....Rolls.....Leyland....Rolls......leyland....oooh whats this...never seen one of those engines before... what is it mate?...Well it's blah blah blah. not many left now.:-D Would like to see some in cab vidio footage if poss.:cool2:
  10. I'm sure someone told me that to take a vehicle on a motor way it must be able to maintain a minnimum of 30mph or was i dreaming....:confused:
  11. Decorating?.......... :shake: is'nt that her job? Don't suppose you have any spare wheel nuts..... a couple of mine have stripped and one has split. Not too sure about the other side yet. So if anyone has some spare wheel nuts give me a shout.:-D
  12. Some pics of rear spring and beam....... Will slop some black paint on if weather holds out. May have to call this thread upkeep of big jenny as i keep finding rust coming through work i have already done. thing is i have washed all the bloomin oil off everything so it starts to corrode but cant waxoil cos i need to finnish painting.
  13. Well been busy on the Scammell....Have removed a rear spring stripped it down and de rusted the leaves. All came to bits no problem bit heavy but we managed. Have now re fitted it and am on to painting the axle and walking beam. On the subject of walking beams mine is bloody stiff i think t is taking about 2 tons of jack pressure to move it. also the bloomin bush is turning in the housing not on the axle:-( As i am not going to off road the truck i am going to let it deveope. Will try to get oil into the bush and drive through a ditch. Removing the beam with the bush as it is will be a nightmare so we will revisit this in a few years when its all gone baggy.
  14. well at least with the manifold off you can see if all the cylinders are fireing:cool2:
  15. Meadows is fine at the mo. I have had to remove the batterys to stop me from starting it up and listening to the exhaust note. Need to keep working not dreaming. That maroon Scammel was still driving round on the front propshaft last year. Sad really:cry:
  16. Hi there have been trying to remember who you are. Think i've got it now found a number on the missus phone "Steve Scammell" so it must be yours.:idea:
  17. Hi there, Pretty sure when we had the heads off the father inlaws 101 the book said to put the head bolts in oil because of some kind of locktight stuff on the threads that hardens and is a sod to get off.
  18. Hi.....is this is the scammell on youtube being towed in after an engine seize up? What caused the problem?:confused:
  19. I'm suprised you haven't polished up the teeth on the flywheel ring gear!!! Just think of that horrible rusty flywheel in the middle of all that lovely smooth shiney paint:cool2:
  20. Yep the cable is brand new smooth to turn and routed in a sympathetic manor. I suppose i only really wanted the counter to show signs off life as alot of explorers have had the rev counter disconnected as the replacement engines don't have the required drive fitted. Anyone got a temp sender as i would like to get the whole dash working one day. I don't recall seeing one on the doner petrol engine.
  21. Not too worried about the pistons coming out cos i fitted them... and the crankshaft. Is there adjustment on the revcounter of do i need to re paint the numbers:shake:
  22. The temp gauge is one of the jobs to do. It was as warm as it is going to get without a thermostat. I thought it was reading a bit high, it aparrently hit 30mph in 5th when we took it up to the house but that was recorded on a optomistic land rover speedo:rofl: I was to excited to look at the speedo in the scammell!! My mate at work has a timing light that fits onto the injector pipe and has a built in rev counter so i will have to "borrow" it and compare readings.:coffee:
  23. Any news on your scammell? It's all gone a bit quiet:???
  24. rbrtcrowther


    where abouts were you playing?:rofl:
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