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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Dear Ralph, hugely helpful, I have this task to do after my holidays this fall at work. We are using just as you did an MOD rebuilt engine as the replacement R
  2. Hopefully Nic from the Cold War Collection will come along and comment soon R
  3. Nic, The only dumb question would be not to ask, this is a hugely smart question. Your safety is always primary. Others will chime in soon, I dont know R
  4. Dear Alan, Welcome to the friendly forum. I too am and anglo, from over'home now transplanted to Canada. I work for a collection that has both types of vehicles you talk about but in no way am I any kind of expert. The Fox is a bit of an orphan for parts these days. Tales of top heavyness are rife, they do feel different. The Generation 1 CVR(T) with the Jag engine are getting up in price if you have something with a turret. It really depends what your expectations are as an owner as to the longevity of the vehicles. Inspection prior to purchase is key these days, there are plenty around who will do it for you if you dont know what you are looking for. Robin
  5. Dan's Ferret now lives in the US of A down south of us somewhere. I will pass your info along to him R
  6. Clive, I am thinking it was the new owner of that vehicle, it was one of the ones sold off from the late Mr Littlefield's collection. I will beat the bushes and ask a mate who bought it and I will spread the word back down the chain. Those of us who do get information from you Clive are very lucky to do so Thanks Robin
  7. Terry, if you want to borrow a wheel while investigating this route I have a spare wheel in my jumble of parts that I am willing to loan you if it helps your tyre folks assess the subtle nuances of the beads. That would allow you to still have a complete vehicle for displays etc while that is going on. Will you be coming up to Coe Hill this year? R
  8. Terry, I will buy your old tyres and take them away. I will be back down in the coming months to do work at a certain Newmarket location, so I can pop over to collect them. R
  9. Ron, Welcome to the forum, nice to see someone with Land Rovers. Didn't see mention of a 101 FC? what does the initials "V/R" mean in your posts? Robin
  10. What about the 101 behind, care to share that one, I have a daft soft spot for that one. R
  11. There are some interesting attributes that would lead one to believe that it is ex military. Here are what I have noticed:- 1 rear cross member appears military but end cross section looks like a piece of channel 2 lower left rear panel has threaded mount piece for stowage of trailer light cap 3 MV style light of licence plate. 4 white body red lens reflector MV style. That is what I see at a glance, any data plates on the seat box or shadows of where they once were? What is the serial number on the manufacturers plate? Does it match the front right chassis horn stamped serial number? What about the engine bay? Can you show us more? R
  12. My mate Gerry has worked his magic and we have the truck up and running just wonderfully now. The biggest issue was the distributor drive gear that runs off the cam. It was so worn you could have shaved with it. No wonder we could not get it to time consistently. A replacement was found and electronic ignition was fitted and new plugs and wires. Now it starts first time every time. As far as running it drives like a scalded cat now. We have gone through the truck and replaced various brake components and it has reached the milestone of passing it's safety test and now it is down to do insurance and registration in our name and we can drive it. As we live on an island my mate brought it home last night on a garage plate. Got it home and coupled it up to the trailer. We are very happy R
  13. Nick, There has been much discussion about electronic ignition, especially with the 8 cylinder B series engines on the thread about a chap and his 432 Mk1. Will you be venturing down this route? Frankly I am a firm believer in the conversion. R
  14. According to the US Defence Logistics Agency (DLA) has stopped selling truck through Government Liquidations who were their agency for disposals of all the big trucks. It would appear that all those trucks had non Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) compliant engines. The allowance to have such engines was given to the Federal Defence Department. If you look at GL's website you can see a note to this effect. It has caused quite a furore as there was a special program to repurpose federal assets down to the state and county and municipal levels for fire fighting and law enforcement agencies was in jeopardy also. If you think about it quite a sane process whereby taxpyers dont get gouged again but simply get a very cheap truck with albeit limited speed and comfort for use as needed, especially by the forest and rural fire departments. An exemption has been given to such agencies by DLA holding the registrations for such vehicles so as to keep the exemption still in the hands of the defence fraternity to whom it was originally granted. If you bimble about the DLA website there is video of trucks being scrapped in Europe. So all of you with REOs and the like congratulations! R
  15. Mark, Thanks for the explanation, all understood about venue changes etc. Wet grass does kind of negate the abilities of the towing vehicles, shame! Thank you for the fun video R
  16. While there is no doubt as to the fact that a number of vehicles went down to the conflict the age old question has been what were the VRNs of those that went. On Facebook, (don't get me started) there has been a posting by a Mr Kevin Lambert who was the gunner of C/S 24 in that conflict and he states that C/S 23B was 06 FD 06 and that 23C was 06 FD 30, both these were Scimitars he states. As FB is such a darn difficult medium to keep track (notice the subject related pun) of threads I am taking the liberty of duplicating his information over here as it seems to just be a better place to archive the info. He has some wonderful pictures and I will ask his permission to post them here or try to get him to join HMVF perhaps. Regards Robin
  17. Can you put a bit of an explanation of what the trio were trying to do? It looks as if the Cheiftain was a dead load, did it have brakes applied? Thanks for the video from all of us who could not make it over R
  18. Dear Al and others, So what we are trying to do is re seat something by all accounts. I have a suggestion on another forum of removing two of the bolts holding the bus bar spring plate on and replacing with threaded rods and nuts and walking them out so that the spring de-tensions and that will somehow rectify things. So I know one person who has done the pipe and over centre operation before but he did not record what he did, so I am guessing it is down to me to do that, sigh;). Well, we will see what other suggestions come in. I am wondering which way I should be forcing the pipe . . . . . . . R
  19. Is that you Rick? I am at a loss now to recall how many times that noise has been the cause of outright panic on the part of new CVR(T) owners. It sounds awful doesn't it? Sounds like you bought a lemon and want your money back, instantly. Learn to love it, it runs! Robin
  20. Welcome Colin just how big of a recovery truck were you thinking? I have always lusted over the Bedford recovery trucks and the Fodens R
  21. All good answer but no one is giving me anything that is rock solid as a cause and effect so far. Might get a sneaky camera to go look inside R
  22. Howdy All, Looking for some wisdom for a problem out here in the colonies. A friend has a machine and he is not a computer type person. A Ferret that was running perfectly has just developed a problem. The gear change pedal has gone all limp. The owner traced the linkages back and all is connected but there is no resistance. On speaking to another owner he said he had suffered the same problem and was advised to disconect the linkage at the gearbox and fit a large pipe to it (item 30 in the attached plate) and pull UP until a click was heard and that should resolve the problem. Can anyone shed some light on this for us please, I have to go over and assist with the gent doing this. Many thanks in advance Robin
  23. Looks Grand. Will you be getting a flashing blue light? Do you think it might have been fitted with one? R
  24. Welcome Christos, we are a few miles east of you in Canada but we have CVR(T)s as well. There are a number nearer in the Toronto area. You are always welcome to drop along and visit. Robin
  25. Raph, I agree with Timbo and Chris, changing the engine for the reason of a "no start" does not make sense. Listen to what they have said and work through it, it will likely be something simple and sure not worth changing an engine for, unless you need practice. R
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