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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Still way over a realistic price. Different rate of exchange here: http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C683869#
  2. Ok Derek so that's answered that, but I'm none the wiser about these "Never seen before elements" that are being named after this man.
  3. Sorry no idea what's going on & no idea who lemmy/leminium is/was?
  4. Does anyone now what these never seen before elements are?
  5. Here are some titles of official literature that I have gathered, its not a subject I especially collect but there may be a few pointers for you look out for. The first number is the WO or Army Code No. of the publication. 14739 Catalogue of Ordnance Stores & Ammunition Section A2. NBC Defence Stores other than Radiac equipment. 1986 60993 Materiel Regulations of the Army Vol.1, Materiel Management & Supply, Pam. No.10. NBC Clothing & Equipment. Jun.2000 61192 User Handbook, Decontamination Apparatus, NBC Portable. Oct.1976 70273 NBC Defence Training. Vol. 1. Pam. No.3. Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Defence Equipment. July 1966 71328 Manual of Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Defence Training on Land. Pamphlet No. 1. Background to NBC Defence. 1983 71328 Manual of Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Defence Training on Land. Pamphlet No.4. Unit Instructor’s Handbook. 1985 9466 Precautions Against Nuclear Attack. 1957 70974 REME. Training Manual, Supplement No.5. REME & Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Operations. Jun.1974
  6. Ok sorry about that, it was from Pam No.4 Unit NBC Instructor's Handbook 1985. This is from 1966 covering S6 I'll post you the titles of some books to look out for.
  7. This is I think for the plastic one. I have some canvas ones but not to hand, but I expect it would be pretty similar.
  8. I don't necessarily expect a forum response, but I do expect a response at some stage, if you politely raise a query via email. I wrote several months ago but have had no reply.
  9. Yes indeed "An Exhibitors Information Booklet will be included in your Welcome Pack and will include all of the shows rules and regulations, which you are required to abide by. On arrival you will be asked to sign agreeing to the show rules." When you submit an entry you seem to have to be saying you agree to that arrangement.
  10. Yes that's super being able to test under compression. I wish I could find an easy way to simulate such a test. Often people see a spark at the plug & assume that it be able to produce a spark in the engine. But that will depend on the plug & what the coil can deliver. Also determined by the engine's compression ratio, although its not just the pressure alone it is the gas density which of course depends on mixture. I can't see an easy or safe way of simulating that!
  11. I have never seen, or seen a mod for, a winch on a S3 LtWt. (although I have seen electric winches embellishing S3 LtWts fitted by civilian owners for their own purposes) There is an EMER for fitting a Mayflower winch Mk 3 to a Rover 11. There is an EMER for fitting a winch to a Wombat Rover, but when you look at the EMER applying to Rover 1 it had no winch. There is an EMER for fitting a Turner 'Mini' 2500 lb SWL winch to a 1/4 Ton, but that is 1963.
  12. Abrasive grit http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SPARK-PLUG-CLEANER-ABRASIVE-GRIT-1-PACK-/161153658127?hash=item258581ad0f:g:tEYAAOxypNtSie5c But there are lots of US sellers that would be better for you. Looks a fun machine, I have a more basic cleaner & it is jolly good at getting carbon off the insulator. If the plug is oily degrease it first. Only use it for just long enough to get the deposits off to avoid damaging the glaze on the porcelain. I once thought that a plug that has been blasted, looks & behaves as good as new. But this is not the case, it will perform worse than a plug that has just been brushed, filed & adjusted. In that it will need a higher voltage to get a spark. The problem is that the blasting rounds the electrodes & this makes it more difficult for a spark to jump the gap, so a higher voltage is needed. So what I do is after blasting, sharpen up the electrodes with a plug file & gap them, followed by a good blast of air to dislodge flings & any grit. The least voltage required to jump the gap is of course a brand new plug.
  13. Just bought: Mk II Combat Glove GL 8415 99 978 3712 Size 8 DC2B/2591 2015 Or maybe it is Mk 11, just two vertical lines, probably don't do Roman numerals these days?
  14. There is a bit more info here: http://www.richardhamer.co.uk/burley-wharfedale-second-world-war-anniversary-missed-by-media/
  15. David I have a roll of the normal stuff but I also have a length of Trakmark that looks identical but is self-adhesive. But given the time since it was manufactured I suspect it will be as about as effective as these modern self-sealing envelopes (bring back proper gummed envelopes!) Andy I only have experience of the paint on Hornet & 2 Pigs but these show no evidence of a primer, but they were painted in 1960s-70s. The two-coat system occurs in all the COSAs I have 1980, 1983, 1986, 1993, 1996. I don't know what earlier products were, but I had assumed it was paint it twice because it is difficult to cover bare metal. Wood is the worst, some of the guides in the Hornet's missile tray were wood & for the 14 years I had it, the paint had not set! A trap for the unwary is that there is a two-pack (rather than two-coat) aluminium paint that has primer, undercoat, finishing coat for the protection of internal metalwork on heavy duty vehicles, including amphibians that has no stated flame resisting properties.
  16. David do you think yours might have had the pin head surface Trakmark, that was also available? Not that I have ever seen any. They might have been using it up when they ran out of the diamond pattern. I was very surprised some years ago that the roll I bought from Withams was maroon. Perhaps the MOD used up anything they could get when the beige diamond stuff stocks were exhausted?
  17. Although this short article is focussed on Shorlands & Pigs, it should be of interest to anyone whose AFV is lined by Trakmark or indeed anyone who sleeps on camping mat roll! http://www.shorlandsite.com/images/Shorlands,%20Humbers,%20Fire%20&%20Trakmark%20Article%202016-v2.pdf
  18. Richard did it have any pattering on the surface? According to COSA it does but I think the entry has got mixed up with the Trakmark entry above it! Given that it is in COSA LV6/MT6 it must have had a vehicular purpose any ideas?
  19. I know Linatex was used to line aircraft fuel tanks because it has great elasticity & can seal over a puncture from a bullet. But was it ever used to line the insides of tanks (AFVs) or indeed their fuel tanks? Great play is made in their advertising of the anti-ballistic properties for use in shooting ranges, fuel tanks, mining industry etc I can find no reference to tanks (AFVs) so one might think its military use was just be for aircraft? However it was used by the Army for some purpose because it is listed in Catalogue of Ordnance Stores & Ammunition, Section LV6/MT6 Rubber hose, sheet, strip & tyre repair materials It is listed in COSAs 1979 & 1981, but does not appear in the equivalent VAOS of 1961. It was 50 in wide & in 150ft rolls so would have been very heavy. Any ideas what the Army used it for?
  20. fv1609

    flasher relay

    The dash light stays on is the problem, but do the turn lights work? I don't like these DIN things but should not the warning light go to 49 rather than 49a?
  21. I did a little review at the end of this: http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/IGNITIONMATTERS.pdf As for timing I just set it to best smooth running.
  22. RAF Vocabulary 22 - Clothing & Accoutrements 22G - Miscellaneous
  23. Its all here, tracks are -789-9114 http://1260.iso-group.com/NSNIndex/1326/1326.aspx
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