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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. The advantage of advertising on here is that potential purchasers can contact you via PM there is no need to reveal your email to the whole world. I have had very few spammers & tricksters on here they will tend to have few posts or even zero posts. One of the big MV selling sites one is more vulnerable to abuse. I never give my phone number & just give my email, so one can be a target for spammers. Here is a recent exchange. It is always worth googling a section of a reply to see if it crops up elsewhere. Despite being on an oil rig off New Zealand this individual has also tried to buy horses, dogs, boats etc. My advert stated the price. But none the less I got this: I am interested in buying your (3/4 Ton Wide Track Trailer) listed on xxxxx.net, and would like to receive additional information about it, such as present condition, last asking price and pics if available, i will like to pay with PayPal. Hi Thomas is nice to here from you. Yes its is very nice & pleasant condition. Please make paid me cash only and I send you more picture How much are you asking for it? Is still for sale price I am showing to that which is in the advertisment first times shown if not better. Is ok for you? Good to hear back from you, i work with New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kupe project, i am at sea right now so i wont be able to check the trailer am buying this for my dad as a surprise gift so am willing to offer you the amount you requested, i insisted on PayPal because i don't have access to my bank account online and i don't have internet banking too, but i can pay from my PayPal account as i have my bank a/c attached to it, all i will need is your PayPal email address to make the payment, and if you don't have a PayPal account yet, i will suggest you set one up at http://www.paypal.com it will not take you more than 3 mins to do that, i will be expecting your PayPal email so that i will make payment, i have a pick-up agent that will come for the pick-up they will also determine and secure the shipment once payment has been sorted, i will also need your full name and phone number. Yes it was good to here back from you as well i bet it is really very nice time in the basin, but i suppose you have to do working some of the times yes. Do you have any pictures of your rigs as this really interest my retard brother. Your have agent pick up this he is allowed to bring here cash money is okey with me as no paypal allowed here. Dooes you think the agent need help pull as it is many heavy we have farmer has big cow to help pull but i think you must pay him for do this is okey for him help. His wife is very strong and has many hairs of the nostrils. All gone quiet for the moment :-D
  2. Incidentally Sean I can think of the engine change as a specific policy in the field for the Hornet/Malkara. It was no coincidence that Humbers were chosen as the support fleet, missile test, missile supply, system repair, GS and LAD. This was not just because of the superb performance of the Humber 1 Ton. Being air dropped into the front lines of a desert conflict might mean that the supply chain for spares or repair backloading was not all that it might be. REME LAD were prepared to do complete engine changes in the field by cannabalising the support fleet. The significance of this seemed to have been overlooked in later years when some of the support fleet were Land Rovers.
  3. Might I also add that dioramas be limited in number & extent. I'm actually quite happy to see rows of vehicles as in a vehicle storage depot where one can view & photo them from all angles rather than some part of a fantasy film set where you only get to see part of the vehicle & the rest is buried in props & stuff. But I realise that is boring for many visitors, so dioramas yes but don't smother the vehicles
  4. Yes quite a small one if you are talking about the felt type with a hole each end.
  5. '7' derives from the old Vocabulary of Army Ordnance Stores (VAOS) Section LV7 that was reserved for non-standardised British vehicles. As opposed to standardised British vehicles in Section LV9 e.g. LV9BOE for Humber 1 Ton that as a DMC became 9BOE.
  6. I think that is quite plausible Dave. All those establishments would require secure & often immediate transfer of documents & it couldn't be left to the GPO to deliver this sort of stuff.
  7. Chris I can't ever remember seeing that type of housing fitted to a 1/2 Ton trailer. It looks identical to that used on the 1 Ton trailer. With that there is no hydraulic damper there is just a massive spring encompassing the shaft of the tow bar. My understanding was that to lubricate these fibre bushes at each end of the housing would allow too much bounce in the spring as the tow vehicle pulled off & braked the momentum from the trailer would be too readily transferred to the vehicle giving an irregular towing experience. I understood that the frictional effect of the fibre bushes on the tow bar gave a smoothing effect to the pulls & pushes between vehicle & trailer. It is important that the tow bar can operate horizontally, rather than when I used a lower vehicle to tow the trailer a little nose down. This caused an elliptical wear pattern in the bushes that led a bumpier ride.
  8. I don't know the use to which they were put. The MOA was directly responsible to Parliament in a similar way to the MOD. It was not under the control of the MOD, although it worked with the MOD on defence matters. There were three MOA Controllers. Controller of Aircraft (CA) Controller of Atomic Weapons (CAW) Controller of Guided Weapons & Electronics (CGWE) The bikes may just have been used for liaison & document transfer at establishments that the MOA controlled: Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment (A&AEE) Boscombe Down Explosives Research & Development & Establishment (ERDE) Waltham Abbey National Gas Turbine Establishment (NGTE) Pyestock Rocket Propulsion Establishment (RPE) Westcott Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Farnborough The electronics side of CGWL controlled the Royal Radar Establishment (RRE) Malvern & the Signal Research & Development Establishment (SRDE) Christchurch. Possibly they were under trials with radio communication or something very mundane. I have a MOA publication of SRDE work on a field battery charging installation fitted to an Austin K9.
  9. The Air Ministry & the Ministry of Aviation are not the same. They were quite separate organisations with the RAF under the control of the Air Ministry. The Ministry of Aviation had responsibilities not just for the whole field of military & civil aviation but also included research, development and procurement of aircraft, guided weapons, nuclear weapons and electronic equipment for the fighting services.
  10. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?42837-Great-Dorset-Steam-Fair&highlight=great+dorset+steam+fair
  11. David so I've re-registered & clicked on the activation email. I'm now offered to sign up, it doesn't recognise me as a member. But is that something Bryn would do behind the scenes in the coming days & I just sit tight?
  12. I don't remember those Neil, was that in the days when you had a Squirt?
  13. Oh yes John that should bump the price up quite a bit Were you stood on the roof of a Rover ambulance?
  14. John it is a Mk 2 ie uparmoured as in Op Bracelet. The brackets are the support bases for struts to support anti-RPG mesh as in Op Kremlin Even on a Mk 2 most of the hooks that secured canvas were just left in place.
  15. Yes that seems the only option David. I did try direct contact but got this: These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server: bryn@afra.org.uk; Failed; 5.1.1 (bad destination mailbox address) Remote MTA mail.afra.org.uk: SMTP diagnostic: 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable or not local
  16. David yes I renewed in January & immediately afterwards could access the original site showing I had renewed & subsequently received a new card. Unfortunately I have to be identified by an old email address although they have my new email, I have to use this old one. Just seems odd that the "Forgotten password" button won't activate. I've cleared cookies etc. Webmaster states he is only interested in web problems not "I can't log in issues". So I'll try in a few days again.
  17. I always found the old web site a little difficult to navigate through, the new one looks more promising except that it won't let me log in. I can't reset my password because that option won't highlight. Like many things these days it always worked better before the upgrade
  18. Now you have seen it you won't have the same difficulty again! There is a certain knack to it. Rather like those multi-pixel drawings you used to see, when you stare at it there's just a mess of dots but eventually the brain software recognises the image of a dinosaur. The next time you see the picture the dinosaur is the first thing you pick up on.
  19. Terry I wonder to what degree can they be recycled after unfolding & washing in petrol?
  20. Sorry Joe no idea which is best. I just use felt as I have them & that is what was originally quoted for my vehicle. I have seen examples of paper filters fitted to Pigs in N.Ireland, but whether that was an improvement or because of unavailability of original spares I don't know.
  21. Joe because it is the filter designed for the early filter case that has no by-pass valve, the felt is blind at one end. I use this type, which I imagine is what is intended for most people's filters.
  22. Yes OSCE. Would be nice to see an orange one, gets a bit the samey with so many stone ones around now
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