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Je me prénomme Franck. J'habite dans le Pas-de-Calais à Béthune. Je suis membre du club VMA, Véhicules Militaires d'Artois, j'ai ma Jeep (Willys du 13/04/43 n° 227056) depuis de nombreuses années (1980). Je collectionne le Militaria US, dotation débarquement.

Je pratique la voile depuis le plus jeune âge.

Une photo "clin d'oeil" qui associe deux de mes plaisirs!!



Lulu au volant (Je suis marié et j'ai quatre filles, Lucile est ma 3iéme)


Il y a quelques mois j'ai relooké ma Jeep en BDS, Bomb Disposal Squad. Pour coller à l'absolue athenticité j'ai utilisé des documents officiels, classés « Restricted » qui décrivent les marquages et régissent précisément les priorités de circulation liées à cette identification. Ces documents ont été établis « by command of Général EISENHOWER »…




C’est donc avec grand soin que je me suis appliqué à respecter scrupuleusement les « Spécial Marking for Bomb Dispoasal Vehicule –ETO- ¼ Ton Truck".


Voilà le résultat :




Je suis bien sûr à la recherche de toutes les informations sur les BDS




Amitiés à tous.




Now, I'll try to translate. Best regards! :oops: :oops: :oops:

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Hello, my first name is Franck. I live in Pas-de-Calais with Béthune. I am member of the club VMA, Military Véhicules of Artois, the famous organization of "Pas-de-Calais Libéré". We have a lot of british vehicules and visitors (IMPS).

I catch my Jeep (Willys of the 13/04/43 n° 227056) since many years (1980). I collect US Militaria, equipment unloading. I also practise the sail since the youth. The first picture is a "wink" which associates two of my pleasures!!

A few months ago I relooked my Jeep in BDS, Bomb Disposal Squad. To stick to the absolute athenticity I used official documents, classified as "Restricted" which describe markings and govern precisely the priorities of circulation related to this identification. These documents were drawn up "by command of Général EISENHOWER"...

It is thus with great care that I endeavoured to respect scrupulously "Special Marking for Bomb Dispoasal Vehicule - ETO- ¼ Your Truck". Here is the result on the picture!!

Of course, I am still in the search of all information on the BDS


Friendships with all.




I'm sorry for my funny english. :oops:

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i had fun trying to translate your original message then found you had put it into English further down ..duh.



Hello Berni, hello at all!!


It is normal, my grandfather was Chilean!!! :wink:


Best regards.



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i had fun trying to translate your original message then found you had put it into English further down ..duh.



Hello Berni, hello at all!!


It is normal, my grandfather was Chilean!!! :wink: .


But now, I have know few things in connection with BDS. I seek information on the formation of BDS in England lasting WWII for the allied forces.


Best regards.



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