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Exeter - a non event

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I had been contacted by the BBC in respect of an event that was being held in Exeter and they asked if we could bring down a WW1 truck. So for the weekend, Steve came down from leicester and myself and family from Oxon. Sorted the Autocar out and trailered it the 25 or so miles down to Exeter.


The BBC had arranged for us to unload at Wyvern barracks. Unfortunatly, they seem to have failed to tell the barracks that. However, with a bit of charm and goodwill they allowed us to unload on the parade ground.




We then drove through the city to the library where we parked up. Sadly it seemed that everything else that had been promised failed to turn up, so this is about as exciting as it got:




After hanging around for four hours we did get some funny looks but quite a few interested passers by:




Then it started to rain:




So we went for a drive around the city which was actually very good fun and caused a lot of interest, before heading back to the barracks to load up again.


A wasted day? Well a little dissapointing, but on the plus side at least someone had a bundle of fun:




I must say that i dont feel very well disposed to assist the BBC in anything ever again.

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Actually, it wasn't that bad. Whilst the BBCs organisation was a bit disappointing, we weren't really doing it for them but because it was rememberance weekend. We didn't get very wet, had some nice conversations and it was very relaxing. I also got to drive around in Exeter which is great fun. It was a bit of a non-event but we had a nice day and an excuse to take the lorry out. All in all, I think we were up on the deal. Anyway, we only play with old lorries for the fun of it!



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