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Sheffield Churchill Disapeared


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What has happened to the Churchill that was located just off junction 35 of the M1 north of Sheffield? It has stood on a plinth at the entrance to an industrial estate for 25 years at least. Just before Christmas last year it disapeared and know one knows where its gone. Apparently a large crane and a lowloader turned up one Sunday morning and it was lifted onto the trailer. As I work for JCB Field Service I often visit the JCB depot very close by, nobody in the area knows where it has gone, does anybody else ???

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No it is T.C.Harrisons the JCB Dealer. As a Territory Manager for JCB I am a regular visitor to their offices. When the tank first went missing they were all taking the P saying that I must have nicked it as Iwas the one into MV's.

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there was a huge thread on it here not so long ago i am sure, something was said about it going into a private collection, i only live in barnsley and only saw it twice before it got removed.


shame that it wasnt put in a more "in focus" place as alot of people had no idea it was there

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Sorry to say thaty when I contacted the council about loaning by BARV to the Citys museum they where less than helpful and a lot of the parts where made in Sheffield. I have had major problems with vandels and had no help from the Police. History seems to be a dirty word for a lot of folk today and there is little interest in our heritage. It is sad that one of the biggest steel producing cities in the country has little to show of all the things made from Sheffield steel.:argh:

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