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Howdy from the US of A


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Hi all,


Lee from the Alvis forums gave me the invitation to jump aboard this site. Thanks, Lee!


I currently own an FV432 MkI and I'm in the process of working out its jitters. I gutted the inside and got rid of the horrid silver interior (sorry Brits- I can't bear it!) Also resprayed the exterior this summer. Ran it in the local parade and had it foul-up and quit on me! Ran like a dream the next day.


Anyway, my interest in mil vehicles started with my interest in firearms and history. My focus is mainly on the Vietnam war and WWII. Also like chatting with vets when I can and folks with more knowledge than me (which is most everyone :)).





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Welcome to the Friendly Forum, John.


We cover all periods and pretty much any subject. We like to have a laugh in between being deadly serious or dead stupid. The clubhouse is always open for the drink of your choice. Biscuits optional. Enjoy the sun lounge looking out over the vehicle park and a lovely glade of gum trees. New members are required to perform cleaning duties in the club house. Seeing as we've just opened a stable block and mews for all the carriages, it looks like you will be mucking out Trigger for a while. Atleast the carrots are free. Enjoy.



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Hi John, welcome aboard and many thanks for the introduction.


As Snapper stated all eras welcome here and we do indeed have a massive cross section of HMVs here - from WW1 to today.


Please do make yourself at home but keep your feet of the furniture and no overalls in the clubhouse - the Jeep owners get upset with oil and dirt.


Snap - no one told me the stable block was open, since when was this?


Yours confused and concerned.



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Wow! You guys sure are friendly around here! It's as though I walked into a pub and all the guys with beer in their glass come running over to fill mine up. Thanks for the welcome!


It's interesting trying to decipher what you Brits are saying sometimes. Now, "Mews". I haven't looked it up, but I have the entire Hercule Poirot series and remember the "Murder In The Mews" episode. Captain Hastings parked his car in the mews during that holiday where you guys burn the stuffed scare crow and set off fire works. Jack Rogers Day or something like that! Anyway, the mews appeared to be little stables where people could pay a storage fee to park of keep their stuff.


So am I close to what a "mew" is?


The Mrs. and I often puzzle over certain British sayings or refernces made in the Poirot series. Our confusion adds to the enjoyment of the shows! What's that say about us? The more confused we are; the better we like it!:rofl:


Again, thank you for the welcomes!

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Yes indeed,


The mews is the nice little place behind the mansion where Gieves keeps the car or coach and four. The little grey cells are at work, mon ami, n'est pas!


Anywayz - Guy Fawkes is your man, hung drawn and quartered for treason in the year of terror ,1605. He tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament and King James I of England with a gang of religious extremist friends who were the terrorists of their day. Not much has changed in 2008 except now the extremists support Mecca (or Tehran!) and not Rome.


Translations are always on tap here, like the beer, tea and custard creams. Captain Hastings ran off with the house maid, and now we have to do our own washing in the club house...which is where new blokes like you come in.


It's Murder In The Utility Room (ask the Mrs...or Agatha)



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Excuse the lack of British stiff upper lip, someones been spicking the Lemonade again. To inform and educate Mew's were originally the place were hawk's were kept, then they became stables and finally a lot were gagrages. Don't worry about the english, half of us on here can't speak it proper anyway. Subtitles will be avilable. Meantime pull up a dancing girl and swop FV432 horror stories. As for Guy Fawkes, where the H** is he when we REALLY need him?

So do you also have horses and bicycles?

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Another Welcome to the Friendly Forum from the Heartland of the U.S. where about are you ? The Club house grounds are very interesting as there are amoung other things a sand pit for a bit of off roading a very swampy bit for those with amphibious vehicles a lake for the Naval part of the club several outbuildings for the bicycles and motorcycles a very large Carpark oh yeah a huge parking lot for all manner of wheeled and only those track machines that perfer not to get sand or dirt in their tracks .

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Another Poirot fan!


I'm in central new York state... closer to the Club House than you! (but still an ocean away)


My kids have bikes. We had two goats and sold them. The closest thing we have to a horse is this bloke. His name is Mad Max, because he's Beyond Thunderdome! Like Uncle Sam, he thinks this armor is his. He rides better in it than he does the back of our pick up truck. When we hit the trail, he will either lay down on the floor or sit dorectly behind the driver's seat. He's a goof.



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Hoi en welkom from the Netherlands.

Don't worrie about the Brits, they are a good lot even though their Tea is as strong as coffee....

You may park next to the Dodges (for a large fee) from Tony B. and me but watch out when we are on our bicycles...

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