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Harrys Handywork

Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Thats a shame to see the Otter like that... We did a couple of nocturnal beach landings from her way back when... It has to be said - a person with claustrophobia in a submarine is NOT a good combination. I survived it though.... :)

Thats interesting Neil,its great when a picture brings up a story was begining to think no one was interested.cheers ..

sorry heres another one.


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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Like watching a fine work of art being destroyed.

It is a shame but i suppose we cant keep everything,

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Thats a shame to see the Otter like that... We did a couple of nocturnal beach landings from her way back when... It has to be said - a person with claustrophobia in a submarine is NOT a good combination. I survived it though.... :)

Any more you can tell us about this Neil:idea:

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Any more you can tell us about this Neil:idea:


No much can be told really. As you probably know - normally seaborne landings are the strict provenance of the SBS but exercises way back then were held to see how the Regiment could do them. They sent a 4-man patrol out on the Otter to see how they managed at getting ashore. Landing was dry but getting off wasn't. :-( Got soaked pushing off the beach and soaked again on re-boarding the sub - trashed the radio gear etc. They were never tried again.....

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)




Edited by catweazle (Banned Member)
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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
I think Harry's grey crawler crane is a rare LIMA (oh how sad is that?):n00b:

Somebody told me one has been restored somewhere recently,and the big floating crane is in liverpool docks.trying to get picture.:cool2:

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Interesting pictures catty when were they taken and by whom (you?)

Hi Mark,A lot of the Pounds pics are mine inc the latest ones ,Robin Hinton took a lot of the subs,that was his thing,i was more into the vehicles and the yard.Its a good job he did i have never seen any others.THey were broken up in the early ninetys at harrys but hung around a good while after that.a couple went to grimbsby will put them on later.

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