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Series 3 Lightweight Land Rover - 12V - Radio Fittings

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Hello all - now my green goddess has sadly been sold, the upside is that I have some cash to throw at my series 3 lightweight Land Rover which has been off the road for over 10 years! It's a 1983 ('KB') model and is 12v, spending its near 10 years of service with the RCT and then the Royal Marines before being cast in 1992. It came with some radio stuff in/on it which we've kept - the box on the nearside wing and also the dexion racking in the back with a few cables. Questions is - what radio set up would this have been for? What would this kit have looked like? I've seen many FFR Land Rovers in my service career but only once - I think - have I seen any photos of a set up like this - photo below!





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The photograph you show has the later larger LR (plastic) badge on grille mesh - so  KA on ,  it's not a FFR because it does not have specific Clansman spec. front wings (with co-axial stowage under wing & a spade shape hinged lid on top) .  It has a box mounted on to for stowage when a TUAAM box is not fitted  (then probably using integral whip antenna) ,  this is normally done with Larkspur era. LWT converted to Clansman Radio  (the wingtop box was then the deeper FV type) - all a bit of a lash-up , with more stowages fitted to tub-side of bulkhead.   Your photo -  It has a standard Dexion kit fitted (could be Series or Defender) ,  radio would be limited to a Manpack.  Backpack frame & webbing , clipped into one of the frames mounted on the Dexion.  

Two radio sets of differing frequencies  - relay,re-broadcast, different levels of communication  - that would normally be mounted on a  LWT  FFR  URS  (Unitary Radio Station - kit)  that can be used as de-mountable , the theory being to release the truck for GS use.   Probably your best bet is to follow Larry ,, IIRC  - I have found the Clansman Supplement 7 most informing on this rig  (but they don't exactly mention 1/2 ton  - it's written more in-line with 109") , your choices are much limited.  12 volt LWT & Dexion - then they used a standard Defender Clansman TUAAM  kit with a added wingtop stowage box that was normally the later shallow type.


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btw  -   12 volt LWT with Dexion / Manpack previous in service use - often can be seen with 4 extra holes on upper body side(s)  , this is normally done by reversal (how convenient) of a standard Dexion reinforcement plate for securing the diagonal tube braces.

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That box (cast alloy) on the n/s front wing is to take a UK/PRC-350 so it's not an FFR Land Rover at all. :) It's basically a "drop-in" infantry manpack (replacement for the Wireless Set 88 and Station Radio A40/CPRC-26) VHF sets. All you need is the set, the audio extension cable (maybe some straps & sealing grommets), and you should be ready to go. The set is usable on some of the 6-metre Amateur band, but is probably too powerful to use without a licence on the 49MHz (10mW effective radiated power) "non-specific short-range devices" licence-free allocation (the old "cheap and nasty" walkie-talkie band).

(Batteries, and a suitable charger, may be difficult to obtain - it's old kit and the batteries had a limited life, even with careful recharging (something the military DCCU was not capable of doing).

Best regards,



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9 hours ago, Chris Suslowicz said:

That box (cast alloy) on the n/s front wing is to take a UK/PRC-350 so it's not an FFR Land Rover at all.


OK, so I was confuzzled - and saw the PRC-350 cradle on the n/s wing and not the cable stowage box on the o/s wing (hiding behind the broomstick). Must get some better glasses. :-(


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