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Brit WW2 Bomb disposal jeep pics please.

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Has anyone got any photos of British jeeps during WW2 in Bomb Disposal markings they can post up please? Been looking everywhere and cant find any, or if you can recommend any books.


successor Corps to RAOC are Adjutant Generals Corps (clerks etc) and the Royal Logistics Corps (materials handling etc) so probably best off contacting the RLC Museum? Royal Engineers also do bomb disposal though-as in UXB's. My mothers neighbours father was in the job postwar and I should really get round to uploading the photo albums as they have a fantastic archive. BTW as to colours red fenders and wings, rest green.


Gets complicated, RE do the day to day bit. RAOC do the specialist and forensic type work.



The Royal Engineers usually do any unexploded ordnance that is below ground level, as they have the equipment to locate, dig out, etc. The RLC, or as was the RAOC, tend to get involved with things found above ground level.




try this site as a starter:


although this snippet from the RLC museum may answer your question in part:

'The bulk of the RLC Museum collection is made up from two of the regimental museums of the forming corps; the Royal Corps of Transport Museum, previously situated at Buller Barracks in Aldershot and the Royal Army Ordnance Corps Museum, in Blackdown – both now closed. Unfortunately none of the vehicles held by the RCT Museum were transferred; these instead were held at the Museum of Army Transport in Beverley and then at the National Army Museum’s store after the Museum of Army Transport closed.'


So my reading from this would be RLC museum for photo archives and the NAM stores for any actual vehicles although MAT never did have a bomb disposal vehicle-also try RE museum.

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