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German WW2 aluminium helmets

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20230313_210808.thumb.jpg.ecee17557178f604c18f828a58dc3705.jpg20230313_211356.thumb.jpg.bc4fa14fb5bc522d5ee8f57293aebc29.jpg20230313_214043.thumb.jpg.7d897cdca9203bb8de044b2441f97b4f.jpgHas anyone come across  aluminium German WW2 helmets? We have a quantity of helmets acquired with uniforms, one of which is aluminium in black with SS runes,the other helmets are steel of various factories and sizes. It’s believed  1935 pattern and supposedly marked RP Chuberth Werk KG Anschweig 1937.

Has gauze vent holes and SS runes in a double lined circle.

Edited by Olivedrabsteptoe
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The subject of German helmets is fraught with refurbed, repainted, relined and generally fake helmets.

The black one with the Swastika decal is completely repainted with fake decals applied in my opinion.

The SS helm mmmmmm ! aluminium was used during and post war and i have a nagging thought that those decals only ( i could be wrong !) only appeared on Transitional helmets ...WW1 shells

Those with combes were fire helmets and were lightweight with a crude M34 liner never issued to be used by the Wehrmacht.

Sorry just my take on what i see........  😞


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