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24v FFR cooked relay ....


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1975 24v FFR 109 - the lighting relay cooked and caused much smoke and excitement while way out in the desert in Utah ! Luckily I was with other LR's who helped me back in the dark. During the excitement I managed to pull all the wires off the relay and so I am not sure of which goes where for each 'spade' - is there an idiots guide somewhere to help me rebuild ? -I have another 24v spare relay - its marked - looking down at it:




as a pair


In the centre C2


and at top right - W1


My wiring diagram is so small in the manual as to be useless...and i don't want to risk cooking this unit ...


Any help much appreciated




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1975 24v FFR 109 - the lighting relay cooked and caused much smoke and excitement while way out in the desert in Utah ! .........


Hi Steve..


welcome to the forum, maybe you could tell s a bit about yourelf &vehicles in the Introductions & Welcome section :-D





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Thick brown is main power to the lights.

Blue red is main beam goes to connection on side of switch. the relays look the infra red relays . they can be cut out of cicuit quite easily, and should be. having recently spent 4 1/2 hours dealing with such problems on my 101 i know the feeling. give me till tommorow night.



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Ok I think I got it sorted...well it hasn't burst into smoke yet ;-)


Seems to me that W1and W2 spades are the relay activation and they work when you put power across either - but I stayed with W2 as ground as that appears to be the one previously.


Load goes between the spades marked C - again it seems to function either way.


What confused me as well was that the relay was dead until I noted the power feed comes from the Infra Red switch... as soon as the battery cut off switch is in the "on position" ... (a previous electrical short made this seem good idea to install - which proved a great investment and probably saved the truck ) then the relay is active immediately - regardless of ignition switch position. (But power was not there until the Infra red switch and been worked on and off a few times - I suspect the short fused its terminals a little...or lack of use....


Anyway - I have lights etc [ftp][/ftp]...thanks to all who looked and commented...





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Having just become a US cirizen I can just see the headlines now !!! And Home Land Security would just love it - time to get their toys out too... mind you they like jeeps and we all know that LT's are The Official Recovery Vehicle for all things like Jeeps and H2's

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