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Looking for things to do I've dug out a BV control box to clean up.

It could do with a rub down and paint but otherwise is in good condition. It has the main positive and negative cables for power but there is a small wire from the ON light that also exits the box. I suspect this would go to earth as the other side of the lamp comes off the positive output to the BV element.

Does anyone have an installation wiring diagram that would confirm this ?

It may go through some other external circuit to give remote indication ?

Many thanks 






16 minutes ago, 2691H said:

 Have you got the vehicle to BV supply lead? I have many leads and two BV's, if that helps. Mick

Thanks Mick but I have leads and a BV.  

I had this wired into my Militant in the past but did  not connect the small wire. The "on" light did not work but the BV seemed Ok.

I only have the Chevy and Eager Beaver with 24v now but it will still get used, somehow.


 The one I fitted in my MJ did not have the spare wire yours does, same switch and lamp which came on with the switch, going out on the boil.

On 432' the BV's were placed in the rear doors, may be it is a remote warning light.


That makes sense, it will be easy enough to wire it to an internal earth if I need to.

Just need to find the correct shade of grey...

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