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With a handle of BlueBelle..... think about it..... I can say beyond doubt that the colourful TRF (Tactical Recognition Flash) is that of REME (Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers) and, we're viewing correctly, the TRF left to right. The other patch is 'something' Royal Marine or Army Commando..... though what is perplexing is that it's an upsidedown dagger! I trawled the web and found no evidence of such a patch being available or worn, except a picture from a badge dealer of....the same upsidedown dagger patch but when opening up the shop, there's no such badge or reference to it, see link google results here: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=trf+commando+black+green+patch&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjN0r-xhojsAhWxiZ4KHY_fDcwQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=trf+commando+black+green+patch&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1CAlwVYtakFYK2uBWgAcAB4AIABV4gB7AKSAQE1mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=0thvX82hFrGT-gSPv7fgDA&bih=633&biw=1280#imgrc=pPImmF0FdO6qgM

With the REME TRF as well, I suspect the jacket belonged to a REME person in an Equpment Support Squadron of the Commando Logistic Regiment...the unit dealing with recovery and 2nd Line Repairs..... RM (Royal Marines) tradespersons ably assisted by REME of the same/similar ilk. I don't believe the dagger patch is representative of any of the other elements of the RLC (Royal Logistics Corps) within the Commando Logistic Regiment (no REME attached ) nor of any of the Commando Artillery or Engineer elements. Not knowing anything much about the RM of recent years, I'll exit here. Now, if you want to know about the AWS (Amphibious Warfare Squadron) of the 50s and 60s in their Mediterranean exploits 'invading' Libya & Sardinia from LSLs, LCTs, Commando Carriers with RMs and Lt. Stone-coloured Centurion tanks from 14th/20th KOH, The Bays, 5RTR and 6RTR ..... then we could go further! Later, much later.

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Note it could be a made up badge put on by someone after it left service.  As Blue Belle says, it is not the correct Commando badge, and usually, if a Commando unit, it would be accompanied by an Army Commando badge at the top of the sleeves.  TRF should be on the right sleeve and Commando dagger (not that one) on the left

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Thank you both for your input. I was pretty sure the lower flash was REME and it was mostly the top patch I was interested in. I am wondering if the upper patch is perhaps "tactical" colouring and whilst green black here on a flag it would be other colours. Perhaps red over black for "The Rifles". Ths blade appears to me to be a bit long for a dagger compared to the length of the grip and the "T" shapes on the end of the crossguard (is that called the quoin by the way?) are not dagger like. So maybe it is a sword rather than a dagger. I don't know if this helps any. The jacket came directly from a surplus dealer who sells a lot of kit (this was one of 9 in that size) so I am hoping it is a real patch.

Again thank you both for your help and for Bluebelle, I really enjoyed your photo series and miss seeing the updates but I fully understand your removal of them. Too many people have had unique "art" stolen from open sites like this and sold to a third party to be used commercially.

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2 hours ago, wally dugan said:

it is the 16th royal signals

Thank you so much for this. Currently (since 2013) 16 Royal Signals Regiment is attached to 12th Armoured Infantry Brigade. See here for more info:


So the original owner was a REME tech (of some sort) attached to 16 Signals as part of 12 Infantry

Once again I thank everyone who helped with this it is much appreciated. My google-fu was very weak and all I could find was pages of badges/patches for sale.

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Blue+White = Royal Signals, yes. But why 16 R.Sigs? Why 12 Armd Bde? How do you know? Looking at every permutation of web images for those two Formations, there are no Formation flashes that remotely match the one on your jacket. Hmm, where to next? I did think at one stage the patch photo was upside down, so twist and flip image this way and that, including the ones in the link (which didn't paste in as a proper live link.... apologies). One thing though, many units are now allowed their own 'private' non-higher formation approved regimental/squadron/troop patches to be attached to combat uniforms.... the latest to do so, the 1st QDG ,are running competitions to design such for at this stage, different squadrons. Your jacket predates this practice.

Though I cannot disprove your deduction, I cannot say RM, Commando or anything else either! Oh bother! It was so simple in the deserts of Libya and surrounds!

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Oh yes, 16th Signal Regiment it is! Good, Wally spot on, as usual, hurrah! Put 16th Signal Regiment in the machine and lots of results to show the patch as them...... though still not a photo to be found by me of a 16th Sigs Regt member wearing either versions of the patch. Do you know what, it's getting harder to see 'at a glance' on my machine, soldier photos in DPM combat suits.... it's all this uber-modern scruffy stuff. A far cry from smart KDs & BDs ....of 1 Inf Div, 25 Armd Bde, 10 Armd Div, MELF, Tripolitania District, Cyrenaica District, Malta & Libya Command. HaHa!

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