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Ken Burns The war


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Looks like the mixed reviews is because of the focus on americas part in the war and lack of other nations. But Ken Burns clearly tells in the ad that that is exactely what they aimed for. After all this was made for PBS in the states. So I think the negative reviews are somewhat misplaced. Depends on what you expect.


But I haven't seen it...




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The "Americanisation" of WW2 seems endemic these days and hence the ruffled feathers outside of the US. If you believe the media - and in a couple of generations that is effectively all there will be - then the Enigma code was cracked by the US, not the Poles, the Naval Enigma machine was captured from a U boatby the US Navy and not the R.N., the battle of Britain was one by US pilots, the only people fighting in the Far East was the US and the only people who made mistakes in the European Theatre were anyone but the US.

There is a case to be made for telling the whole truth in any such productions as if not then history will be re-written and the sacrifices of millions will be ignored/denied!!

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The increase in media over the last 20 years has boomed. to make money there has to be new block buster every week, how often have you seen in January a film described as 'the must see of the year' !! America and India have the money to spend on production and the market, they will feed their market. I was going to say give it 20 years, but it is 20 years since the First gulf War, but even that is wrong, at the time no one knew there would be a 2nd war, and how many American's do you think know the British were involved?

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Hey Andy, the price? Its part of owning a military vehicle. The public will look on you as an expert (Otherwise known as an ordinary man a long way from home) Know your subject and be prepared to talk about it. You're right most people get the history from TV and for everyone who watches Richard Holmes or Andy Roberstshaw, 10,000 will watch Saving of Private Ryan or Captain Correlli's Mandolin. Most peoples knowledge of the Great War is Blackadder. People like us are the only 'Experts' the general public will meet. Spooky thought 'ain't it?

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