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Paint - DBG to NATO Green - Latest version


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The link to this updated version has been lost, so here it is again.

The subject of post-war British Army green paints that has fascinated me for over 35 years, but it has proved very difficult to find, let alone untangle tangible evidence from fading memories, misunderstandings & general misinformation.

This tells the story of the interactions of finance, politics, strategic requirements, tactical needs, changing legislation, logistics, environmental issues, expediency etc

I have included a number of extracts from documents and my reference sources, so that anyone can check up on me or pursue their own research from these starting points.

It was considered to have too much text for our club magazine, but a copy is held in Library of Bovington Tank Museum for researchers to access.




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I would like to thank you for all the great bodies of work you have been responsible for like this one. You have done so much for our hobby in the way of explaining such technical matters.

While I have never met you in person I have read your materials for a great number of years and have always been amazed at the level of research you  have undertaken to arrive at the finished body of work.

Thank you so much for doing this. A quite fascinating read and well worth the time to understand.




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Thank you Robin, actually we have met many years ago.

I have just changed the Dropbox link as I put in v1.02 & now changed it v1.03

It saddens me that I couldn't get it published, but apparently it exceeds the text to photo ratio that is required. Seemingly people don't like to have to read too much these days & prefer perusing photos. I realise there is some detail in there that may not intrigue everyone but it all forms the evidence of what was going on at the time. 

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A really interesting article, thanks for that, Clive - my evening reading tonight!  It is a shame that articles like this don't get published - as you say, most magazines want a two or three page article with 10 - 14 photos, which leaves little space for anything in depth.  Again, this should be archived on this forum somewhere.


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  • 6 months later...

Very interesting article.  I would add that in 1969, in Belfast (well, Palace Barracks Holywood to be precise) our Pigs and our softskins were painted in gloss DBG with a matt mid brown disruptive.  My models have attracted comment rather like your Shorland, but photographs prove my point even in black and white.


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Chris thank you. Yes gloss DBG & brown was most curious in NI, although it didn't seem to last long which is one reason I suppose is that there are so few pictures of it in use. It always struck me as odd that the Commers, Triton 1 & 2 were so painted, as a water canon is very much an urban vehicle, trying to look like a shrubbery in a built up area seems incongruous.

I have only a few pics of Mk 1 Pigs in that scheme & apart from the Commers nothing else. I would be interested if you have pics of any other vehicles using it.

Yes I can imagine that deniers get quite upset seeing this scheme reproduced. Here is one Pig courtesy of Victor Patterson.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Clive.  Sorry, but the only pics I can find are these three of Bedford RLs with apple green supposedly fireproof canopies with raised tops so petrol would fall off.  Only black and white too, but you can see the difference in reflectance between the DBG and the brown.  Despite being the Unit Press508389963_BedfordRLBelfast.thumb.jpg.4dbfc7633129afdca85a2782571a4fcc.jpg Officer, I had other things on my mind and didn't take many pics at that time.  The pics were also cropped (manually) for publication, probably in Tankette, so are not exactly first class!


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