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World War 1 records online

Rick W

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The National Archives have just posted all World War 1 pension records that have survived. They normally charge for this, but until the end of next week it is a free search, you do have to enter a card to be able to search. If at the end of next week you want to carry on using it, then they charge your card



Example below of a great uncles entry. His entry includes his service record from the time he joined in 1914 in the RGA to demob in 1918. This is the first of several pages.


width=572 height=800http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/keeves.jpg[/img]

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I started to sign up to the free trial. Then I chickened out when I got to the bit where you have to give your credit card details. If you don't cancel before the end of the free trial they deduct £79.95. :-(


The hope, I assume, is that you forget to cancel. I've been caught out before, yes I know it would be my fault but these days forgetting comes very easily >:(

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Thats age Clive! If you want to give me the names of who you want to look into I will do it and forward them on.



Yes it was my grandfather, who was a bandsman then stretcher bearer, his photo is at the end of the previous mystery object. His name was Willie Cockroft initials I think were WJ from Shrewsbury, Shropshire. I am not sure if he was born there but his father came from Yorkshire.


It would be a nice surprise for my mother to produce some records. He wasn't killed in the war but died a few years later. So thanks if you can have look.

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Hi Clive, there are a couple of similar records. There are some for a Willie Cockroft who came from Todmorden in Yorks. There is another entry for a William Henry Cockroft who was in the Lancs Fusiliers. I think you need to do a bit more delving. Or if you want to see either I will download them and post them. ;-)

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OK Rick. I have got fixed in my mind it was WJ, although his father was JW who came from Yorkshire when the cotton industry declined. Willie is on the left of the group here




I'm not into uniforms but it doesn't look as if there is much to identify his unit.

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This is the first page of a Willie Cockrofts service record, unfortunately not your Willie Cockroft I dont think . Enlisted in the army at the outbreak of the war, but only served until 1915, and restricted to "Home" duties for some reason. I can only think it was because he was an insurance salesman, so that made him a bit more educated, therefore not as disposable as the general rabble.

width=500 height=800http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/clive.jpg[/img]


Unfortunately I cant find a match given the info, nor can I for my surviving relatives. I think you have to be fairly lucky as only about 40% of the records remain.


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I will double check. When you do a comp search of the N.A. you have an option to exact match a name or include close matches. With older records its better to see if there is a close match due to spelling mistakes, illiteracy to a certain extent, the spelling of Shakespear and its many variations is a good example.

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Yes thinking about it near match does give more options. My name often gets spelt Eliott, Elliot, Eliot. I especially resent the first one as it is an anagram of Toilet >:(


It is sometimes said if you are looking to bid on a 'toaster' on ebay also search for a taoster, tooster or a taster as some sellers are dyslexic or in a hurry or wasn't educate proper. My wife bought an unusual 'torsion' saddle quite cheaply with little opposition as it was listed as 'troision' saddle.

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Double checked. There are 6 names spelt Cockroft, and not a Willie in them! 2 Willian Cockcrofts, but wrong middle name. Just had a quick look on the medal cards index and there are 4 Willie Cockrofts and 8 William Cockrofts! So they do have something, even if its just his medal and awards card- but you have to pay to access them!

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