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Just had our monthly meeting for the IMPS and one of our members owns a gunshop selling de-ac weapons, he stood up and told us that the government has back tracked on our hobby saying that we should be okay to carry on as we are and the bill will not affect us. He is still urging us to write our letters to government as before to keep up the pressure, but it is looking better for our hobby.



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one of our members owns a gunshop selling de-ac weapons, he stood up and told us that the government has back tracked on our hobby saying that we should be okay to carry on as we are and the bill will not affect us. He is still urging us to write our letters to government as before to keep up the pressure, but it is looking better for our hobby.



I fired off letters to all the VCR commitee members and the Home Office at the request of Preston Issacs, fellow MVT member. We have had encouraging replies from several of those MPs. There have been a great number of amendments put to the Bill by those friendly MPs and some points are much as I suggested. From the minutes to the first of the VCR Commitee meetings it appears they have had a significant response from people like us and are taking note of it.



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