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Ferret Head ache.


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I think we met at Adrian's over Xmas - I'm happy to come up sometime - I am a bit busy with 1/2 term this week could possibly take 1/2 day off work next week or negotiate for a babysitter at the weekend.


I used to be an electrical/electronic engineer for a living. Do you have a wiring diagram or do I need to research one ? PM me with a phone number if you want to discuss tomorrow.





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The manual has a pretty good wiring diagram in it and the Ferret has a pretty basic loom. I would suggest that any auto electrician should be able to sort it for you without too much trouble; they don't need any Ferret specific experience.




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Hi and thanks for your replies, I am just trying to get the engine turning over at the moment with out starting it, plugs are out. Bought a couple of 60amh batteries to see if she would turn over but no joy. Are there any fuses that may have an effect on the starting of the engine, would they be in the generator box. I'm thinking that there may be a cable/wire not connected or broken somewhere. Haven't looked into it in to much depth yet but thought if someone who had a better knowledge of the ferret would sort it a dam sight quicker than me who is just grabbing at straws at the mo. I have managed to get most of the wiring sorted, there are a few wires that are left with no I.D. tags on them but I think these are more than likely to do with the lighting circuit.

Cheers Steve.

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Looking at the 1969 diagram at http://www.ferret-fv701.co.uk/electcl/1958_wiring_diagram_L2.jpg (thanks to the owner of that site who is, I think, an HMVF member) I think it needs +24V on the solenoid pin of the starter to make it engage and turn, as well as a connection to the supply terminals on the starter. I expect that you should be able to measure a low DC resistance between the solenoid terminals with the starter out of circuit, and if power is applied to them you should hear the solenoid move. The diagram shows no fuses in the starter itself. There are circuit breakers in the distribution box that disconnect the battery and inter-vehicle socket from the vehicle wiring - I think someone with experience of the ferret will need to tell us what the four circles below the breakers are physically - looking at the style of the rest of the diagram I think they are connectors and if plugged in the battery is connected via a link in the box to the starter all the time. If so you should measure 24V across the starter power terminals as soon as the battery is connected.


I think I would start by disconnecting the cables from the starter and applying 24V to the solenoid connector to see if it engages - then apply 24V to the motor via a substantial fuse as well if it does.






Screenshot from 2016-02-16 08:26:52.png


Screenshot from 2016-02-16 08:34:07.jpg

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I had similar probs with one of the Ferrets I once owned like this.


I obtained a cable with suitable plug on the end. That matched up with the solenoid Connector on the Starter Motor.

I fed the cable through one of the rear opening hatches. & took a feed directly from the batteries on the bared ends of That Cable.


Cold Start Device on (Choke) Ignition on, touch the cable on the Batts. She turned over & started perfectly.

There was a problem somewhere in the harness. So I used the above method for quite a while. Until I could bypass the normal Circuit so she started on the switch as she should have originally.


I didn't have the time (Or could be bothered then if I'm Honest!) to strip out the harness & 'Fault find' the offending cable.

& replace! :angel:

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There was an old thread about a fault on the 10A circuit breaker.


The irony is that when the circuit is "broken" you can still get 24v at the instrument panel end but it will not be able to supply any useful current because of the residual resistance in the circuit breaker itself that is still apparent when the contacts are open.



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Thanks buddy's that's a great help and I can now look at what may be the problem. I have a spare generator reg. box so will strip that one down to have a look. If OK I'll just switch them over.

Hi Ian, yes we did meet up over at Adrian's over Xmas and enjoyed our chat. Thanks for searching out the drawing, I have a genuine 1969 'User Handbook' for the ferret with this drawing in but unlike when I was a mechanic years back working on Ford Cortina's, Escourt's Vauxhall Vivas and alike, corrrr takes me back lol. Wiring at least had a colour coding so when a cable went in to the harness at one end and came out the other it was easy to trace unlike the military which just have the little yellow sleeve on the end of the cable, most of which have worn away. Ah the joy of it all. :confused:

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Thanks buddy's that's a great help and I can now look at what may be the problem. I have a spare generator reg. box so will strip that one down to have a look. If OK I'll just switch them over.


I think you misunderstand me.


The two circuit breakers in question are not in the Generator Panel, they are in the Distribution Box No.1 Mk 1 - the thing that has the inter-vehicle start socket.

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I think you misunderstand me.


The two circuit breakers in question are not in the Generator Panel, they are in the Distribution Box No.1 Mk 1 - the thing that has the inter-vehicle start socket.


Thanks for putting me right, I know the 'thing' you are on about it's situated next to the Gen. Panel in front of the fuel tank.

Cheers Steve.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well today I managed to get my ferret turning over through the starter switch. Wizzes over like a goodin, so nice to hear it turning over as it was sized when I got the ferret. The 'Main Indicator' light comes on while cranking so I have power to the dash switch board. No light on the speedo, RPM dash board I think this could be to do with the wiring connections. Now I need a full set of interior bulbs, both dash board sets and the 2 'Left and Right' interior lights. Anybody know where I can source all of these from or is it Bannisters. Are the external bulbs the same as a set for a 24v landy. Plugs are on order with loads of other stuff, next problem I think will be the fuel lift pump. Have managed to clean the hull plate up, any help as to the year. According to the 'contracts detail sheets' that came with the ferret, it has mine as;



Mk. 1

YEAR. 1951

QTY. 592

HULL. 7-599



My reg. is 33BA93 so looks to be right although someone has my hull No. down as 118. Can anyone tell me what the hull plate refers to please.

Many thanks


Various 2015 016.jpg

Various 2015 015.jpg


Various 2015 016.jpg

Various 2015 015.jpg


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all me again, have come to a hault with regards to starting my ferret. It's to do with the electrics and am I need of assistance. I will be more than willing to pay someone who lives near me in Newmarket to spend a couple of hours putting me on the right track. I am pretty sure it would not take someone long who knows what they are doing to sort it out. Hoping there is someone who can be of help.

Regards Steve.

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