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T-54/T-69 Tank Gate Guard, 16 Air Assault Brigade, Colchester Garrison


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Does anyone have any pictures of the Type 69 tank that used to sit as a gate guard at Colchester Garrison? I was hoping somebody over the years had snapped a picture in situ they could share. As I have been informed, this tank was captured by the 16 Air Assault Brigade near Basra Iraq at the end of March or early April 2003 and returned by the brigade to the UK as a trophy following their return home. This tank now resides in our collection in Canada and we are trying to track down as many pictures and as much of it's history as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Carl Brown provided a couple pictures of the tank after it had been removed from Colchester Garrison to make way for a DC3 in WW2 turnout, probably a more fitting monument for an airborne regiment.


Here is the tank after its return from the 16AAB




then sandblasted and primed




Then in it's final turnout




Hopefully this will stir someones memory and they can share a picture of the tank taken as a gate guard at Colchester Garrison. It is our intent to repaint and mark the tank as it would have been in Iraqi livery before it was captured...so far we have really nothing but speculation as to what that may have been...we will reach out to 16 Air Assault Brigade to see what we can glean from them...

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