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Hi All


I have decided to repaint my 1942 GPW as American, i have no service history, except i know it was never British.


I'd like it to represent a jeep used by the USAAF in 1943 belonging to 384th Bomb Group ( i have a connection with one of their B17's that we recovered the remains of)


However, i would like some advise on what markings it needs to have ? i.e should it have U.S.A and the hood number or U.S.A.A.F ?


should it have a Star on the hood ? and what would it have on the bumper ?






Markings on USAAF Jeeps that I have seen tend to be fairly standard, though the hood star varies in style from vehicle to vehicle. Some the early rearward type, others with a broken circle around, some with a complete circle around them. This is my 100th BG, 8th AF '43 Ford. Front bumper markings are 'Airforce', 'Group', 'Squadron' and 'Vehicle Number'




Rear bumperettes are Airforce and Group on the left, Squadron and vehicle number on the right.




Some USAAF Jeeps had the rear bumperettes inverted. I've been told that this made it easier to use as a step when wearing heavy flight gear.




This is my Ford along with the original wartime picture I based the Jeep on.




and my M201 and the original wartime 100th BG Jeep I copied.




Jeeps were repainted in service, and didn't always follow the factory standard for stencil size, font and positions. Best to try and find a vehicle to copy, or look at a number of USAAF Jeeps to get a generic feel for the look and markings of them.


Thanks Guys

Both replies really help, though I am still slightly confused about the hood star, to portray a mid 1943 period, the 'invasion' star would not have been used? Until 1944?


When did the 'broken' star marking come into use? And would this have been used on vehicles in the UK.






Plenty of photographic evidence of plain star and invasion star formats on USAAF vehicles in UK, so guess you can chose your preferred look - only if you plan to prtray mid-1943 you don't really have a choice.


And whatever you do, don't go sticking hard tops on, or apply huge nose art, or generally bugger about with a standard Jeep 'cos you know it never happened…….




whacky jeep.jpg

Screen Shot 2015-08-02 at 09.04.30.jpg

Jeep side screen.jpg

Posted (edited)

The original station Photo Jeep that I copied was a Script Ford, and yet it has the full circle star, and the hood numbers are not the factory style. It was obviously was repainted at some point, so even a '43 vehicle can be seen in post invasion markings, unless you want to represent a particular day/month in 1943.


Airfield vehicles often had their tools removed ( axe/shovel etc ) and sometimes didn't carry a spare wheel. Hood bows were also often removed, and yes, Jeeps and other vehicles were modified. This has to be one of the coolest conversions using a B-17 cockpit. Sorry I can't credit the source, I don't know it, but can add credit if the owner of the image is known.



Edited by Jessie The Jeep

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