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Ian2b & myself went to Manchester early this morning to do a bit of arms dealing ;-) :whistle: not really just dropping of a couple of gas sim-fires..

On the way back we went via Lichfield to pick up some tyres where we met Grumpy & Simon.. good to meet you guys.. bit of a tiring drive, 12 hours round trip with multiple accidents all the way >:(




picked something up for you while we were there.. a Stolly searchlight.. didn't realise that you needed a Militant Crane to remove it though :-D think Ian may have a photo... did try to ring you Neil to see if there was anything else you needed but you must out of the country as I got that funny ringing tone & it kept cutting out...


Stand by for Neils latest thread.. The Stolly Searchlight Restoration :evil: :evil:

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Thanks for that Lee!!


Yeah - was out of country - phone rang in the midst of a heated meeting with the Fourth Reich (PC Comment - for our non-UK readers this refers SOLELY to the employees of a certain automobile manufacturer based in Germany) so I couldn't answer it - and then Vodaphone DE started throwing wobblies on me.

Did try calling back whilst waiting for the bus back to the airport & whilst I had something approaching normal service in the evening but you've got the phone set to voice mail!!!


Sounds like the first topic is going to be more like "The cure for Lee and Ian's hernias"!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

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