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Hello & some help identifying a picture please !


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I was given this old picture of my granda in his younger days, and would like to identify the tank in the background, and the significance of the word stencilled on the tank body -- were they given individual names?


Very little details I'm afraid, my granda passed away in the 1980s and all I know is he served in the Parachute Regiment

of the British Army in Palestine around 1946 so presumably the picture is taken there.


I did some googling and came across this site, I was hoping some of the more knowledgeable members here might be able to help me out.


Looking at the "identifying shermans" sticky on here, I think the track running gear in my picture looks similar to that of the M4 Sherman, but it's obviously not one of them. Also the tank body is very angular and seems excessively low, I also can't see any sign of the actual tracks.


Any ideas?








Edited by ChasM
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