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Bedford MW (28hp motor) pushrod issues


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Richard Farrant and I had to tear into the Bedford MW's engine - it has a misfire and one cylinder was showing zero compression. Well in the offending cylinder, the exhaust pushrod was jammed under the rocker, with the lip of the pushrod cup jammed under rocker. We optimistically thought if we freed that, we would get compression. No luck, so off with the head and that exhaust valve looked not to be properly seated. However, pulling out all the pushrods, there was a variety of patterns in terms of the cup moulding with the cup form slightly different and seemed to be two types. But they all looked OK except for the one that had jammed which has a noticeably shallower cup. However, the overall length seemed to be exactly the same as the other rods so I am assuming that it is either a poor pattern part or ???. Anyhow, I am going to order up a new rod to replace this one and whether that has anything to do with the bad valve seat, maybe Richard will be able to tell me when he gets the head stripped down. Anyone else had such issues? Cheers, Ferg

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