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Never before seen personal accounts from WW1


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I remember a First World War veteran talking on TV about his experiences of living in the trenches and seeing dead bodies: shattered limbs, skulls in trench walls, fingers or hands being used as coat hangers, walking on bodies to him it became the norm something to endure till he went home to his family. Most of the things that he said have now passed from my memory circa 1980 but certain things did stay and took all the fun out of war. I suspect that most of the things that he said then would never see the light of day on TV now. Pity though, sometimes the gruesome bits need to be shown or heard about just to remind people that war isn't a money making exercise nor is it fun. Wall to wall 24 hour news has made war unreal and computer war games oh mama what a heap of trouble thats going to become.



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Well, while I highly appreciate the efforts people go to restore things from history, I find the antics of some people who act as if war were an exciting, good thing rather concerning. These people just do not seem to understand what war involves.



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