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War Classics 50 Movie Pack Collection


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I'm looking at a 50 movie pack with war movies, but I can't really say that I've heard of any of these. Does anyone know if they're any good?



The Avenger


Three Came Home

War Head

The Devil's Cavaliers

The Mark of the Hawk

Escape from Angola

The Proud and the Damned

The Torch Paulette

Hell in Normandy

The Adventures of Tartu

Captain Scarlett

The Last Chance

The Bushwackers

Kansas Pacific

Blood on the Sun

Flying Blind

Eagle in a Cage

The Big Lift

This Is the Army

Go For Broke

Gung Ho



December 7, 1941

Divide and Conquer

Desert Victory

The Great Battle of the Volga

The Nazis Strike

Attack in the Pacific

Attack! The Battle for New Britain

After Mein Kampf

Lawrence Nuremberg Trials

The Secret Life of Adolf Hitler

The Battle of China

The Battle of Russia

The Battle of Britain

The Battle of San Pietro

Combat America

Prelude to War

Payoff in the Pacific

True Glory

Tunisian Victory

The KGB Connections

Report from the Aleutians

The Stilwell Road

Submarine Warfare

The Memphis Belle


To the Shores of Iwo Jima

Appointment in Tokyo

Marines at Tarawa-Return to Guam


It's pretty inexpensive too. I'm mostly looking for some old military vehicles when I buy these.



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I think Desert Victory was about the battle of El Alemain and I think I've got it somewhere on tape, It's in black and white and it shows the British troops, I don't remember seeing a yank which makes a change. :oops2:

When my boys were little they liked Captain Scarlett and the Misterons :whistle:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Now I've had it for a few days and have been watching several of the movies and documentaries. Some of the movies are good, other movies seems a bit silly. But the documentaries were a big suprise. Never seen any of the before, and some even of areas I didn't know of such as the Aleutian Islands. Also some nice footage of "Operation Strangle" Might be even more since I've just started watching the collection.


I can recommend this one!




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