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PIG alert!!!!


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1973 may off to lydd/hythe ranges

in feb 1983 back to hilton






As Clive has said, it was at NITAT Lydd. This was a training centre for units prior to going to NI. There were villages set up to make it realistic and a fleet of tactical vehicles, ie armoured Land Rovers, Pigs and Saracens.



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Does it say VBP? I think VBP means Vehicle Book Processed. Meaning the details of Army Book 562 were entered onto the database. ADP = Automated Data Processing.


The ADP at the time was VESPER (Vehicles, Equipment, Spares, Provision, Economics, Repair). When your vehicle came out of service SALOME was in operation (System for Accounting & On-Line Management of Equipment). Vehicle depots were equipped with ME29 computers with the main frame at Bicester.


Further changes took place in 2005 with the introduction of JAMES (Joint Asset Management & Engineering Solution).


JAMES acts to:

Store equipment documents, details of use, servicing, inspections, faults etc

Allocate equipment daily & future commitments

Forecast inspection & servicing requirements

Allow tracking of equipment & where it is needed

Hold records of driving & specialist qualifications.


That was JAMES 1, then this year was set to introduce JAMES 2 which added:

RN & RAF vehicles

Deployable system into the field

Engineering function to manage repairs & mods

Linking with other systems, including supply chain


Anyway do you have a copy of the vehicle record card? Please say these are not dates on the basis of something said in a letter from Beverley.

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So what is the verdict on Paul's pig veteran, or conchie :evil:

Ah well it depends if he believes my history or whether he believes what has been written in a letter from Beverley. I have seen a total of 5 histories from there, including two to myself & I feel unable to express a public opinion about what has been written & I'll leave it at that. :shake:


That's about right 35mph sort of cruising ok??

Yes that's fine any more then there are stopping issues. Someone was boasting how fast he could go in his pig saying was showing 60 mph. Well (a) that is silly (b) the speedo calibration only goes to 50mph as you know. :whistle:


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Yes that's fine any more then there are stopping issues. Someone was boasting how fast he could go in his pig saying was showing 60 mph. Well (a) that is silly (b) the speedo calibration only goes to 50mph as you know. :whistle:



I have once got the pig up to the needle pegged at end of speedo, yes it was down hill, yes it was not long after i got it, yes i could see the fuel gauge needle dropping, yes there was nothing in front of me except empty road. NO i have not done it again. Stopping it from that speed was almost like stopping a supper tanker. :-o

I find it seems to like around 38/40 mph for road work but it always seems happy going round towns in third gear and lots of revs, don't know why :whistle:



Now i think I'm keeping the pig what colours do i paint it in for this year. fancy doing it in a rioted look to match the Piglet. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Well Gareth, what about the Christmas colour scheme shown in your avatar? It would at leat be authentic if not a bit unseasonal.


I knew you'd mention that :roll: I dont know, it would stick out like a sore thumb ( hands up all those for xmas dinner at the W&P, small cover charge just to pay for the petrol costs :-D) and i'd have to get round to making the gates into the superior type.

It's a shame i cant find some more pics of it but the leads i've tried haven't come up with anything.

We'll see.

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