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I have joined the group today. I was on Google searching for pictures of AEC Matadors, as I am building a model of one, my grandfather owned two for years I was going to give him the model for Christmas. He ran them as timber tractors at his sawmill (Station Road Sawmills, Standford-in-the-Vale, Oxfordshire) I managed to find one of them today, RYS 893.


I am just looking for any other pictures of the vehicle before the current owner re-livered it to D.Fleet & Sons. I was wondering if anyone had any. I have very hazy memories of the Matador as I was only about 8 when it was sold. I think it was blue, with reb bumpers and had a very basic a frame on the back. Most of all I just remember it being the coolest vehicle I had ever seen when I was little. I have got my mother routing out pictures at his house (obviously I can't as him). It was used by Station Road Sawmills and I think it was displayed at Newbury Show/Royal Berkshire Show in the late 80's/early 90's.


Anyway I stumbled across this forum, and there seems to be an entire world of ridiculously knowledgeable people who have more pictures that I can ever imagine of Matadors.


It is lovely to find such a dedicated bunch of people that are keeping such interesting vehicles alive!

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