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Blackout markings?


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...I was thinking bumperettes, but they need to have the unit markings on them surely?


...which could be in black? :-)


Here's a 388th BG Chev which escaped the white bumperette treatment - but look at the huge star on the mudguard! Like I said, anything goes :angel:


Chev 388thBG.JPG

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Blimey, that 'Left Hand Drive' is in a particularly large font as well - and even the tailgate star looks unusually large for the back of the wagon.


I have a jerry can mounted where that star is - I guess I'll just see what looks right to me and I won't be too far off. My lad reckons he's seen them with a vertical line down the bumperette and no unit markings, I might go for a horizontal line at the bottom of the bumperette and the marking above if it all fits in.


Where the hell do you find these photo's?

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Have a look at this. Phil's 24 hour old aquisition. 1939 12 hp Wolsey. The paint has never been touched. Still goes like a rocket though.

It had been converted to run on gas at some stage with a roof bag. The fittings for the regulator etc are still attched to the inside of the roof.




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