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UK Centre of WW2 Armour Restoration?


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With all the collections and private individuals with great restorations under their belt, would it be a fair statement*?

Wheatcroft, Cadmans, Weald Fdn etc.. just the first three to mind.... then there are the people with one or two vehicles, but just as significant - you know who you are.


*perhaps with 'the' inserted :-)

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Surely ajmac is asking - in not so many words:


"Is the UK the leading light or the centre of the restoration of WW2 tanks and armour, given the activities of the above named restorers / collectors to name but a few? Or is there perhaps a bigger scale of restoration going on elsewhere, e.g. in the USA (Jacques Littlefield, etc, etc), or in another country maybe?.


In the same way that Korea is now the centre of shipbulding, or Hawes is the centre of Wensleydale cheese production, or my dog is currently the centre of methane production (wonder what on earth he ate today.....)

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Now that we have had the question defined . . . .


I would say that in Canada and our bretherin to the south in the USA also share an equal love and voracity in restorations.


The difference I would say is that many of them have truck loads of cash and don't get involved with such forums as this or do but lurk and have private off line emails with people in the UK.


A large number of these well monied people do not enjoy being in the public domain and do everything to stay that way.


If you add to that the geographical remoteness possible in Canada and the USA one doesn't just bimble into them or spot their vehicle tucked behind a barn because their barn is 14 kilometres from the public road!


It is surprising how much hardware there is around, recently a Staghound was exhumed locally, but i'm wandering off topic . . . .


That is my viewpoint from this side of the pond.



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Take the question as you like.....and discuss, look at the infastructure, specialist restoration companies, number of WW2 armoured vehicles each year emerging in fully restored and operational condition, not a pile of scrap in a yard, but equipment that has been restored to operational wartime condition and kept in such a condition. For all I know the country that fits the bill could be Russia or Poland!

Perhaps we should not included museums, because that clouds the issue a little, lets keep it to private collections and associated support infastructure. You only have to go to W&P to see the collections to realise that there is a huge quantity of vehicles in the UK, not to forget that W&P has many visitors from Europe who bring there vehicles, as you said that is just scratching the surface.


NB: Being English we enjoy running our country down, it is a national passtime (unlike so many other nationalities who stick up for where they live!), tiss simply a topic for conversation. Perhaps the place with most WW2 armour restoration activity is Canada or Australia, perhaps with the economy booming, it is Germany.

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I think it is a great topic.


I know a chap out here has made replica panels for the usual pieces cut off Bren carriers and the number of carriers coming back into circulation rises by the day, another one recovered by a chap out here last week.



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