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Landrover lightweight weapons.


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Hi all, which weapon would be suitable for mounting on a 1970 l/r lightweight rear tub bulkhead, SLR or stirling machine gun.....can a stirling actually be mounted on the clips ? And would it have been. Which wepon would look best. Any advice would be great. Anybody got a suitable weapon for sale ?

Regards Adrian 07753934751

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It really depends on who the vehicle is used by.


For instance a vehicle marked up as being used by Royal Military Police would have for the most part had the SMG in the vehicle, but once the persons dismounted then the SMG would have been with the soldier as one carries one's weapon with you, basic rule.


I don't think a lot of users changed the weapons mounts over just because they carried a different weapon. One just had to find somewhere to stow it.



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Have a read of this thread , there should be more info. forthcoming on this subject from those who are better informed on weapons than I am.


The shoulder stock folds under on the Sterling SMG , however IIRC stowage is possible in the leather lined "universal" clips that are quite close together at the centre seat position on a Lightweight.


A S2A Land Rover (not a Lightweight) could also have SLR clips mounted on the dashboard (not possible on a S3 plastic dash).


Now then - there is a bit of choice on a S2A , the mounting brackets are the same IIRC - BUT you could mount the "universal" (identical clips , pair of 348943) or the specific clip for rifle butt 308807 and the specific clip for the rifle barrel 308808.

There is a special instrument panel in fact with the slot - nick already cut out (certain contracts standard) - this is to aid securing the bracket for the barrell, it is off-centre (nearer a RHD steering column) , the butt clip is at the top of the dash abt. 6" from the door. You may even find a third clip (butt) - this must be for optional SMG stowage.


A Lightweight bulkhead is not so good for mounting clips for a SLR because the screen wiper motor cover is in the way , however there is room for fitting a pair of brackets & universals BUT I don't recall having seen this done or evidence of holes where brackets have been mounted..


Small arms clips other than the "Universals" - you will have to look hard to find , I don't think they are the FV numbere3d ones in the earlier thread link.

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