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Hello folks. I'm Brent, and I have a specific interest in British Army uniforms and equipment (plus other countries uniforms in general) from the Anglo Boer War up to the present day. I am hoping to find out more info about this subject from this forum, having read some of the posts before I became a member. My late father served in the British Army circa 1951/52? as far as he told me, though I am not 100 % sure where or with which unit, I need to do some more research, more's the pity that I did not find out more while I had the chance to. I would guess that the battledress that was issued to servicemen at that time would have been the "1949"? pattern, so I am looking forward to any info in that regard.


Many thanks



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Hello and welcome! not been here that long myself but it's a great forum!....

Regards your interst in the Boer War....you might find it hard to believe but.....my Grandad served in the Second Boer War !...

Now I can understand you may well be saying "what! your Grandad!?!?! how come!" so I'll very briefly explain...

My Grandad was already over 60years old by the time my Dad was born and Dad was only 12 when his father died so we don't know a great lot of details about his life apart from that he had served in the Boer War probably in either a Cavalry or Artillery Regiment (we know he served with horses anyways).....

..He left the Army around 1906 and had a spell in the Police, then.... re-enlisted in 1914 on the outbreak of the First World War in a Horse Artillery Reg serving right up to 1918 ....

Sometime after this he arrived in the Forest of Dean and married my Gran who was a lot younger than him, and starting firinng out kids like no tomorrow.....(Dad had 2 brothers and 5 sisters)...around this time (early 1920s) he started work in Cannop Colliery and was once again working with his beloved horses as an underground 'hostler' where he stayed employed for the rest of his life....

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Hi everyone thanks for the welcome. Sorry for the late reply, I actually started this yesterday, but then computer crashed and I lost the lot, so hard to start from new. Hi Rattlesnake, that really is an interesting story about your grandfather, to have served in both those conflicts, I am glad he survived, he must have had some wonderful tales to tell. It was a similar situation on my dad’s side of the family. My grandfather (I never met him, he died before I was born) was a WW1 veteran, I was told once that he was at the Somme, but I cannot say for sure that he was. My dad was the youngest of 4 brothers, all 3 of his older brothers served in WW2, the eldest being evacuated from Dunkirk and the other 2 served in Burma, according to my dad. All of his brothers were a lot older than him; I suppose he was my grandparent’s last attempt at trying to have a daughter.


Anyway, I never met the eldest brother, as he too died before I was born. I briefly remember the next eldest brother from when I was a child, but he passed on many years ago, and sadly I lost contact with my remaining uncle some years ago now, so I do not even know if he is still with us. I hope so. As my dad was too young to serve in WW2, he did his service in the 50’s instead.


Another old feller, a neighbour of mine, in his 80’s now, told me he served in WW2, with 6th Airborne Division. Says was too young at the time to join 1st Airborne Division at Arnhem, but took part in the Rhine crossing. I would love to get my hands on his Denison smock, but I doubt very much that he still has it....

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