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Wanted Saladin Gun Fitter.


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Seems a little overkill! There were trainers for the No.8 Rifle that strapped onto the OUTSIDE of Barrels on Wombats & Mobats as smallbore trainers. This system was so the Gun could be wheeled into the Indoor .22 Range at each unit & low cost effective training executed. It would be much easier to go down this route with external brackets fabricated. The internals of the saladin Breech Mech ar large & heavy. Not to mention the fact that if the block Etc is still in place. One wrong move & the B/Block would slam upwards & you can image the damage to a hand Etc. If you need assistance. PM me.

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Hi Guys

If you know of any ex REME Saladin gun fitters that live in or near Derbyshire or further a field let us know as we would like build a FMR and fit a bracket onto the 76 to fire a .22 rifle and need help.




Exactly such a device existed to allow Scorpion to "fire" its 76 (courtesy of the linked .22) on an FMR when they were in service.


Far too long ago to remember any details, but I do remember the IG (Instructor, Gunnery) sat on the turret roof would indicate to the commander what target he wanted to engage and while the commander went through the drills, the IG would adjust the .22 for range, because, being offset from the 76, if it were mounted coaxially, it would hit halfway up the FMR wall, so it was recalibrated for every action.


Also allowed the IG to deliberately introduce error to, for example, force the gunner to "aim off for wind" and of course movement when engaging a mover. Actually, as a gunner, it could be quite amusing ...


A bit more detail. Movers were black rubber blocks (as were all the targets) dragged around like a ski lift, usually on a triangular course so that you could engage a mover going straight across your arc, diagonally or straight toward. Reverse the motion of the ski lift and the reciprocal engagements were available. It was definitely a no-no to engage the mover as it went under a pylon, cos the .22 round might hit metal and ricochet.


... sorry. As a gunner. it could be quite amusing when the mover changed direction and the IG scuttled about on the roof of the turret right above your head amending the aim-off for the new direction of travel. FMR work wasn't something we got to do all that often and first couple of times, the IG had to remember which way to adjust.

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