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Lasting Power of Attorney


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OK, this has nothing to do with MVs. I just need advice and hope that one of you can help me.


Have you had any experience of setting up a 'Lasting Power of Attorney' or LPA? I need to do this for my Mother, and need to talk with someone who has done this already, for advice. If you have experience of setting one up, please PM me. I am in England, so I need UK law advice.


Only connection I can think of with MVs is that my Mother was a Nursing Auxillary in WW2, and as she had a Driving License (Provisional) she was considered as a Dispatch driver!


Many thanks.

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Enduring power of attourney ? had to do it for my Father, he has Alzheimers and is now in care, we just had to have an hour with a solicitor and they did the rest. Not something you do easily and lightly, you will need a second person as notary in case you are outlived etc

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Think also of applying to the court of protection. To give power of attorney, the person giving it(the donor) has to be seen to be able to know what he or she is giving away. If Dementia has progressed too far, then it may be decided that the donor isn't "with it" enough to know or understand what they are giving away, and then you will have to apply to" the court of Protection" and get them to make decisions regarding property, investments etc. The Court of Protection can make these decisions themselves, or appoint a deputy, (who in effect then has Power of Attorney.)


It is a difficult subject, but the important question is how far progressed is the dementia?, The sufferer is the person giving Power of attorney to someone else. They have to be able to be seen capable of knowing exactly what they are giving away, if they can't, then it is the "Court of Protection" route you need to follow.

Edited by antarmike
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I have third party on the aged p's bank accounts to pay for everything. Had this for a while as parents lived overseas.


Having to deal with spanish embassy now for power of attorney for the spanish bank accounts and property.


Did the probate for my fathers estate which was hard work.


Try and get a solictor who isnt just going to charge you for an hour here and a letter there.


But, good luck, family business is hard work for what it means and mortality.

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Thank you all for your advice, especially about a Solicitor. It will be very useful.


My Mother is mentally OK at present, but I will have to think about selling her house and contents soon to pay for Nursing home bills, hence why I need the Power of Attorney.


Again, many thanks.

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