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Ok so I have my paper record from Bovington up to 1978 but I wanted more upto date stuff :D


So I contacted the MOD who were very helpful and told me when the vehicle was released but also that at that time any other records they hold will have been deleated. Therfore a blank had been drawn :cry:


Does anyone know if that data is still availiable anywhere and how I can find it?








When a vehicle is released its data is not removed from the database. I have been able to get printouts for everything. PM sent.




Isn't there someone with only a PO Box address who gives out more detailed info? My record card from Bovington shows nothing between a career in BAOR and sale at Withams in 2005. But in that case why has it got SFOR markings? :shocked:




I had a similar experience with my 432 (02 EE 49) when I bought it in 2005.


The cards from Bovington only covered it's service from 1968 - 1974, with 3 RGJ & 1 RGJ at Celle, which was odd because I found Gulf War and SFOR markings and a Welsh (which turned out to be Chinese!) Dragon on the rear door! I managed to obtain a basic Merlin record (I'd still like to get the full one, even though I sold the 432 in 2008) which showed it's subsequent RA service until release in 2004.


The Ferret record cards are even stranger as all of those I've seen for vehicles which entered service in the late 50s / early 60s are blank until c1967 and so missing any Malaya or Aden service!


It's good to see people researching the history of their vehicles,




Ferret Mk 2/3, 03 CC 42


The Merlin system will only hold data from the date it was implemented, which was some time in the late 80s. Before that you need the paper records, and I guess these must have changed at some point as like you say they tend to miss data from before the late 60s.


Any ideas on how I might obtain a Merlin printout for my old 432, 02 EE 49?




Ferret Mk 2/3, 03 CC 42 (probably disposed of before Merlin came in!)

Any ideas on how I might obtain a Merlin printout for my old 432, 02 EE 49?




Ferret Mk 2/3, 03 CC 42 (probably disposed of before Merlin came in!)


Yes, there is an address, I will send it to you.

  • 2 weeks later...

Please see below (cheers Chris)




Ta Da - my FV's MERLIN report :D

but errrr . . . Can anyone translate please (I get the sigs bit but not much else)? :nut:



MERLIN 02EE93.jpg


If anybody needs a complete history of their fv432 i have the address of a chap that will write a booklet on your fv432,complete with photagraphs.




23 Base Workshops, REME, Wetter, Germany


212 (12th Armoured Brigade) Sig Sqn, Quebec Barracks, Osnabruck, Germany


207 (7th Armoured Brigade) Sig Sqn, Bournemouth Barracks, Soltau, Germany


212 (12th Armoured Brigade) Sig Sqn, Quebec Barracks, Osnabruck, Germany (to Herford in 1993)


4th Armoured Brigade HQ Sig Sqn (204), Quebec Barracks, Osnabruck, Germany


Hope this helps a bit!,




Ferret Mk 2/3, 03 CC 42

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