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James From Arkansas

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Hi All, I am new to the forum, but I have been collecting/saving MVs for about four years. I got into military vehicles when my son was becoming interested in what was my hobby at the time, military weapons collecting. I knew he would not be able to complete a good weapons collection before US demographics change to the point of making the hobby too expensive or no longer legal. So I began the new hobby with a Dodge M37 he and I are still working on a frame up restoration on. In the mean time we have managed to accumulate about fifteen more vehicles along with thirty or so trailers of all sorts. The hobby has been good for him in that he now can do much more than just change a spare tire! The one draw back on collecting military vehicles vs military weapons is the space needed! One large closet can contain an entire gun collection, however you get four or five trucks and you need a parking lot! I ended up purchasing a cabin and five acres of land for the collection!

James Gray

Arkansas, USA




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