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Honiton Hill 2009

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The Honiton Hill show is the only event that we take all of our (restored) trucks and the mini Land Rover to. As this currently numbers three it is a bit of an exercise. Steve and I come down and with Big Mark and Tony we go off in convoy (i drive the real Landy for back-up which you will see comes in useful).


The day before the show we pulled all three trucks out of the shed to prepare them. The civvy Autocar not having been run for 24 Months started quite easily, but then the water pump seized. Steve and Tony took it out and rebuilt it ready for the show on the following day. All three trucks got there without any difficulty, although the FWD was beginning to overheat as we arrived.








The weather deterioated to rain, then thick mist which detracted from the event somewhat. There were about 25 MV's in all including some really quite interesting ones.















A highlight of the day was meeting a chap who's Grandfather used to be an FWD driver. He brought a photo of him and had a go sitting in the cab.




We also met the Daughter of another FWD owner who had come a long way to see ours working. Theirs currently has a problem but we should be able to help.


Then the problems started. The mini Landrover kept blowing fuses and then gave up the ghost. Not sure what the problem is yet, but we carried that one home.


The grey Autocar - being without chains and having smooth tyres spun in the mud and had to be hauled out to the gate with the Land Rover. The FWD had similar problems and engaging the diff lock made little difference (we need chains). In a peak of intelligence i stuck some floor mats from the Landy under the wheels and that gave it enough bite to get moving (for a bit - we then repeated the process). Our leasurely exit obviously perturbed some people, as one lady made a gesture which i presume suggested that only one axle was being driven. I of course made a returning gesture demonstrating that two axles were in fact being driven. That seemed to settle the matter.


However, on the way home the FWD stalled on a hill and would not start. Eventually and to my embarassment we had to make a tow start with the Landy and after that it ran very well indeed, until we got home to the shed when it refused to start again. Similarly the military Autocar stopped and would not restart and had to be pushed into the shed. The grey Autocar under the control of Big mark was problem free.


A fun day out and a reminder as to why we only do one show a year.


Tim (too)

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Our leasurely exit obviously perturbed some people, as one lady made a gesture which i presume suggested that only one axle was being driven. I of course made a returning gesture demonstrating that two axles were in fact being driven. That seemed to settle the matter.


That made me laugh out loud ! Thanks for posting and well done for showing the grand old girls all together ! :-D Edited by Marmite!!
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