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Hello from Oxfordshire


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Hi All! Just joined. I'm from Oxfordshire in the UK. I enjoy going to various military shows & air shows & getting to practise my photography and understand more about the military vehicles that you see & hear about in the books & on TV. Am very keen on WWII history.

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Someone will know the path of enlightenment you will need to take. Meantime, in my capacity as Moderator and general trouble maker I invite you and all recent newbies to an induction day in the club house on Sept 31st. This will help you understand the medical requirements for membership, your rights under the Mental Health Act 1951, the initiation ceremony and how to get the stains out, Custard Creams ownership rules (Ammendment 4a), parking, Tony Banner, haircuts, the Dutch, gum tree maintenance and the rules of skittles.


Please make sure you apply in writing for a place to Jack Beckett before close of play on Friday. We never discuss football.




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