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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Mark


    Of course Neil, of course, one would expect such a little gift as that, would one not, especially as his company has grown by 306% this year. :angel:
  2. Mark


    Mmm!,.......... can I come back to you on that one mate :dunno:
  3. Mark


    Don't know about anyone else here, but I could do with an HMVF diary for 2007 :whistle:
  4. Excuse me! :? tomorrow (Sat 23rd) I that is me am towing a stolly back to its parking place with my Truck, how weird is that, the dancing girls will have to wait :whistle:
  5. I thought Whistlinwolf posted something about that couple of months ago, try him
  6. Nooooo! I meant it crashes on its own because of the server, not you Joris :angel:MATE :flower: :hug:
  7. You dont have to be on holiday for it to crash J :whistle:
  8. I vote Joris in, cos I like him, not so worried about what MV he's got :clap: huryy up and get your count up, don't matter what you write about just do 'em :-D
  9. Have we enough chairs, sherry and mince pies left ;-)
  10. Blimey, it's the right time of year for Scrooge's here :?
  11. Welcome here Tim and yes Jack you maybe :-D
  12. How did the Japanese get away with Pearl Harbour....................................?
  13. Yes they might do, but as my mate said, it costs a lot of money and here is an alternative being offered that will be a lot cheaper and on site for the whole show.
  14. Hi All We have obtained a JCB which we will be taking to W&P in 2007 it's not military but it should be painted green, if any of you re-enactors or anyone else for that matter want some trenches dug or earth moving or anything else?, let me know and it can be arranged, it will be cheap to use (as my mate likes driving it and he is) much cheaper than getting one in, and if it is as hot as last year then best of luck with a shovel. PM me if anyone is interested. :tup:
  15. Mark

    Use your vehicles

    Yes I suppose it did but did not the (hate to say it) Jeep, that was used in many a role, stretcher carrier, Urmm! you know :dunno:
  16. Mark

    Use your vehicles

    Yep seeing as Rex threw a wobbly last year/this year with some antics going on with pools, we are on a drought you know (have been for years)
  17. And you http://www.websmileys.com/sm/party/fest22.gif[/img]
  18. Mark

    Use your vehicles

    It's probably the most good looking vehicle, like the Reo is post war but whether it is superior I do not know, more vehicles had a bigger impact on the war effort like the duece and half, remains to be seen I think
  19. I agree with you Karoshi, was it not the Americans that wrote the history ??
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