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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Mark


    Oh dear, look what can happen when some old logging firm in Yankee land gets a hold of your Jimmy and puts her to work. [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. Mmmm!!!! I have driven it (yours) but you can drive mine if you want 8-)
  3. Just click on messages under your log in and it will go there and open automatically
  4. John I will come and see you with a few beers at Beltring no problem, that would just make my week/weeks if thats OK with you
  5. I sent you a message on SteelSoldiers David was it that one??
  6. Hi and welcome to here, posting pics is easy be nice to see them
  7. He ain't stuck in the stollie is he, was talking about doing some work on it. :dunno:
  8. I would say they are "knackered" after all they are 5 years old, why dont you go for a civvy battery same rating much cheaper than mil spec and just as good.
  9. I know these are Yankee MV's, but it just goes to show you what noise is produced in these vehicles we drive about in, thats why I use ear defenders. http://chppm-www.apgea.army.mil/hcp/NoiseLevels.aspx
  10. So after all this chat who has a set they want to sell me just the intercom bits...............any offers :dunno:
  11. You can get 24v CB's and dual voltage ones as well
  12. Sorry about the merge Graham thought it best if the same topics were together, nice install by the way and that i think is the way I want to go, not so much worried about V to V just internal comms will do me. I cannot see why a PMR system will not work, someone on here will know how
  13. But with CB's you cannot talk to your passeger via intercom or probably hear the broadcast from another due to the noise level, which then negates getting one in the first place?
  14. Ian have just merged the topics as they are about the same so all in one place is logical, yes had thought about a CB but then have to go the route of a convertor to 24v etc and dont know about headsets to fit them, will have to do some digging
  15. Just on a topic about the same, have you got pics of what you have done in your Militant ??
  16. No probs Karoshi nice link you gave though it gives me an alternative to think about, with a clansman I can get the headsets as with a Reo you need ear defenders or eventually you wont.
  17. Cheers Lee from what I just found out I think I will only need 3 pieces of a clansman plus 2 headsets, is that right??
  18. Ok thanks nice suggestion are these units 24v, and I assume if other people had the same unit they can listen in to your conversations. What about a clansmen or something similar?? keeping in with the military theme
  19. Hi, I know Reo,s did not have them (as far as I know) but it would be nice to have some sort of comms unit with headsets in the truck to speak to the passenger when travelling around as it is noisy in the cab, has anyone got any suggestions as to what I could use and how much I would be expected to pay. Thank you
  20. Forbidden You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.37 Server at http://www.hmvf.co.uk Port 80 WHOOPS, :argh:
  21. Sussed it, the problems with this forum locking up or not refreshing has been happening since the moving header has been on, I bet in the new year when it is removed things will go back to normal (hopefully) dont get it on other forums, not that they are as good as this one :whistle:
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