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Everything posted by radiomike7

  1. If you include the Pioneer(s)? converted to 6x6 to test the Explorer concept then yes, although I assume you are thinking of the set forward axle type seen climbing the factory wall.
  3. No, sounds wrong, it was Mogul:rofl: The Maudsley Mogul was a forward control, the AEC Mogul was a normal control.
  4. Correct, ACV was the holding company resulting from the 1948 takeover of Maudsley and Crossley by AEC.
  5. Not much to tell Mark as he had passed away before I met my wife to be. His name was Alexander Tait (father to Grp Capt Tait) and he was area general manager of no. 6 area between 1948-53. Mike
  6. Tell me about it, there is a huge variation in the way that different coals burn. We once tried an alternative coal in a Sentinel and all it did was form a firebed so hot it all but melted the firebars but gave very little heat through the firetubes. I seem to remember the GWR locos had smaller grates than usual as they had easy access to the best Welsh steam coal.
  7. No! Assuming: 14knots requires 5750ihp Coal used per ihp is constant (as greater steam demand was met by lighting more boilers this may well be true) Range at 21.9knots = 7000 x 5750/25513 = 1578nm Distance at max speed for 4 hours = 87.6nm Coal used ----------''-------------=87.6/1578x3000=166tons Or 41.6 tons/hour:coffee:
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Terrible_(1895) Close bracket after 1895 if link fails Take a look at the extra power required to gain a small amount in speed, I suspect CW can confirm if that is the norm.
  9. That could be an interesting book Jack, my wife's grandfather was a coal mining engineer and was involved with the construction of the tunnels to place vast amounts of explosives under enemy positions.
  10. Yes, but I was careful not to name the engineer.:-D
  11. Yes, mk1 LR Freelander with permanent 4wd and centre (viscous?) coupling. Apparently so that it drives like a front wheel drive with the back helping when needed, but knowing LR they probably got their sums wrong:)
  12. List of projected Martian variants: http://www.jedsite.info/transport-mike/mike/martian_series/martian-series.html
  13. For those that may not know, Stan passed away on the 2nd of November 2008. Rather fittingly the order of service had a picture of Stan in front of the restored Constructor.
  14. Was that not one of the bowsers used on the A14 project?
  15. Hi Bonzer, welcome to the forum. To save me typing it all out again see post 38 on this thread and post 3 to see a photo of mine. With 1200 miles on the clock and 6 brand new tyres when cast it was about as good as they get, even my wife enjoyed driving it:shocked: Mike
  16. And am I not right in thinking that most if not all Militant tippers were 6x4 - if any vehicle was going to operate in soft ground it could well be the tipper.
  17. OK what happened? Did the loco come to grief under the bridge, had to be dragged out by the Pioneer and then lifted onto a transporter?
  18. Not this one on page 4? http://www.cranfieldexpress.co.uk/news/PDF/March_01.pdf
  19. Cat, is that a pair from your boat, and if so I assume you effectively run one in reverse:confused:. As far as I know, multi engined 'planes all have props turning in the same direction, but I am not familiar with boats. Or,:idea: do you have to do a quick prop change every time you want to go astern?
  20. I have seen two Meadows with frost damage, in both cases it was just a split in the large bolt on aluminium plate down one side of the block- they may be lucky.
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