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Everything posted by radiomike7

  1. Nigel, I will scan the spec sheet for you when I get back tonight and post it here. It is for the Detroit version but the weights are the same. You might find STGO1 is the way to go.
  2. Perhaps he had a flat battery and was attemting a jump start:shake:
  3. I have two one eyed friends, one was stretching a bungey cord over a camping trailer when the other end let go and knocked his eye out, the other was removing a brake return spring with a pair of long nose pliers, the pliers slipped and he stabbed himself in the eye. At the same garage, the apprentice was told to hang on to the end of a disconnected truck propshaft with a rope sling while the truck was pushed outside, the prop picked on the sling and removed one of his fingers. All simple incidents and so easily repeatable....
  4. Good arguements from both sides; can we agree on 'launch vehicle'?
  5. But Malkara was a rocket and the launcher was capable of a re-load:cool2:
  6. Exactly, opposed piston is completely different to horizontally (or vertically) opposed. Typical examples include Junkers Jumo, Rootes TS3, Napier Deltic, K60 and L60.
  7. Anyone seen one of these before? Fitted with a Perkins 180bhp V8, 6 speed Turner gearbox and 2 speed transfer, the mid 70s brochure suggests that it is production ready. The 16 ton GVW makes it a Bedford TM rival but were they ever evaluated by the military?
  8. Richard, you missed out this configuration - jib/frame support only! Don't try this at home.
  9. I'll echo that, now at last I know what those lugs are for on the Martian rear hubs.
  10. Is it for measuring the angle from a reference vector in a reference plane to a second vector in the same plane pointing towards something of interest??:sweat: ie height of a mountain, angle of sun etc
  11. The cab on 01HV61 is on the left not the right:confused: Perhaps they could be left or right hand drive?
  12. Azimuth and elevation suggest some sort of aiming/predictor device, is it for predicting the range of a mortar or the number of propellant charges to use?
  13. Clive, it is called Birmabright and is an NS4 type aluminium sheet. From memory it needs to be etch primed ASAP after rubbing down as it oxidises rapidly.
  14. Blimey Rick, remind me not to book my car in for a plug change! It is a V12, going by the con rod design and lack of prop gearbox it could be a Rolls Meteor??
  15. So the double solid line shows the position of 3250 relative to 2500 and 3500??
  16. Clive, is this on the C6? After I filled mine with a 50/50 mix, a liner seal started weeping and over a 3 month period filled the dry sump with a couple of gallons of coolant. When I next started it the scavenge pump pressurized the oil tank and a jet of filthy oil, water and antifreeze shot about 20 feet in the air, narrowly missing someone standing close to the filler. It was quite funny at the time but had the filler cap been a screw on type I am not sure what would have blown first.
  17. Clive, do not underestimate this man, he wears various disguises and this is what he is capable of:
  18. Never mind brakes, you would never turn the steering on a dead crane so must assume the engine is still running for air and hydraulics. Years ago, a large crane ran out of fuel near Market Harborough, lost hydraulics and drove straight into a ditch. It was dragged back onto the road by DC who just happened to have a 240 ton Contractor in the yard. There is also a similar story of a loaded Commander demolishing a house in Germany when the crew made a fuel tank changeover error and stopped the engine on the approach to a bend.
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