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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Speaking as someone who once forgot his motorbike propstand when riding off, this would worry me.......very nice though!
  2. Pages 181/182 presume you want both sides? Workshop manual 181.PDF Workshop manual 182.PDF
  3. Mike I will scan and post it tomorrow if no one else has by then, or I can email a PDF if you like.
  4. There is a thread not too much interest, perhaps a different approach is needed, maybe Russian is not the right word? http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=8235&highlight=russian+truck+gallery
  5. There is a mirror on the other end of the equipment, the Royal Engineer can see his reflection in it. He is able to adjust this (by means of the stings attached to the rod in his hands) his view in order to ascertain whether his handlebar moustache is parallel with the posts and thus with his eyebrows, the strings enable him to see if the width and shape conform to regulation. I am at a loss to understand why these where discontinued...............:coffee:
  6. Leather seals have been used for ever on mineral oil filled components, and in some cases are superior to modern ones, like taking up wear on worn shafts. I have no fears about using them, where the original seals in my explorer were leather and I have replaced them with the same. We were taught to soak them in oil overnight before fitting, just my opinion.
  7. Great stuff Mark, I would love to see the look on the faces of the onlookers when you start to treat it as if you don't know what those things are worth! :-D
  8. And bl**dy tiring after an hour or so battering away with no sign of movement! :argh: Starts to get funny when your mates have a go though. :rofl:
  9. Thanks for that nptimber, that all makes good sense. I have used mine twice and found it a real pain to secure properly. Call me bonkers but I have a theory that these frames where designed in the early 1930s when a lot of horse drawn wagons where still around, one of their uses was for when no horses where available, then the shafts could be removed and the frame lashed onto the turntable, they would be perfect for that.
  10. Those catches where probably an off the shelf type at the time, more commonly used to lock (ineffectively) sliding sash house windows, in old films burglars would be seen breaking in by sliding a knife up between the sashes to move the handle over. If you need any more elsewhere on the car reproduction ones are still available in various styles. http://www.snobsknobs.co.uk/shop/category.asp?catid=51 Great thread, nice work, thanks for posting.
  11. :thanx: A great record of your work on this restoration, this will be so helpful to others. Keep it coming please, we are impressed.
  12. Have a look at this Chris, something I was unaware of until 6x6 pointed it out, I would think those valves would have much the same effect! I'm pretty sure this was the problem with Jule's Militant brakes as well, can't find the post though. Quote: Obstructed breather vents on the front palm couplings may not be the cause of your brakes locking on but I hope it is because it's a problem that's so easy to remedy. These vents are usually a small hole in the centre of the depression on the dummy pressing which locates on the coupling when it's not in use. These holes can become blocked by paint. The other type I'm aware of is a primitive one way valve in the form of a flexible washer at the same location. This sort can also become gummed up with paint or old age. Being unable to release air pressure through the front couplings causes the vehicle you are driving 'think' it's being towed by another lorry which has, via air lines, just applied it's brakes. Typically, this fault occurs at traffic lights on busy main roads and just about any where else where it will cause the maximum chaos. And from NOS Quote: I think you might have just solved an annoying problem with a certain RAF Constructor - thanks 6x6 !!
  13. Pic of frame from Explorer manual. I am sure the roller tube of the A frame would rotate round that axle when the tractors brakes are applied, it would be better with a I beam axle though.
  14. When you were so excited about you new (second hand) Amstrad 6128 computer, green screen, no hard drive!!
  15. Even more impressed now! Nice work, well done. Can you do one for Andy now? :-D
  16. Welcome to the forum Recovery. That truck looks more impressive each time I look at those pics, have you had to do much work to get it in that condition?
  17. In line with cutting edge military technology current at the time the frame was lashed to the casualty with rope!! I was for recovery up to 10 tons I believe?? To be fair this worked well with I beam front axles, the large bottom tube of the frame fits inside the web and is able to turn in order that the ropes did not come loose. Someone will no doubt be along with a picture...
  18. I think so, well I would wouldn't I. You can't go far wrong with an Explorer, it does the job well and you will always be finding new ways to play with it. With a good Diesel in one you can maintain a good road speed, and they come up for sale often. The Mack NO types are as you say very good too, A friend of mine has one and tows 12.5 tons reliably and regularly. there are a few resto projects lying around if you start asking you may find one quite easily. They also have the kudos of being wartime.
  19. When you can remember the village Bobby chasing you on his double crossbar bike because you only had a back light on yours, (he didn't have much else to do!) pitch black not even a house light for miles. The trick was to belt up into your neighbours farm lane, turn your back light off then shoot back out and home free! Very satisfying watching his lights go wobbling off the wrong way... Today's equivalent was played out in my mates garden, some kids ran and hid quite well in his bushes, so far so good, but gave themselves away when they felt the inevitable need to text! All their phones lit up and compromised their positions a treat.
  20. You know Graham Germany has a recovery plan if it breaks down, so no probs in that department then....:shake: Well done Mark, that will keep you busy for a while..:-D
  21. Just went for a jolly with Stevie C. he's after some bits. :cool2:
  22. Withams shed last week Andy, not in sale, think the stillage behind was full of recovery gear as well, hard to see though.
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