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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. I thought it might have been that one Richard, I have been Googling away without success trying to find a reference to the crash near me, it crashed at Berwick Station, I remember hearing that one of the crew was seen to bail out over the sea and a big search was only called off after it was discovered his chute had caught on the tailplane and appallingly he went down with the plane. I also remember looking down on a Meteor flying along the short railway cutting to the west of Berwick station, I was impressed that I could see the pilot's face! He must have been only a few feet above the lines.
  2. A Meteor crashed a few miles from where I lived as a kid, (Selmeston, E. Sx) I remember climbing to the top of a tree to see if I could see anything across the fields, I couldn't.
  3. I think it's just as well I got home too late for this one Clive.........I'm still baffled by the intimate details of the last one, all that smoke and steam!
  4. Well done Neil for getting that one because I am still baffled. It is a most peculiar setup, I am still failing to understand how a 4inch flue only about 8ft high could possibly create enough draw to pull smoke up 9 pipes each of a larger section, especially as the fires are 12' away from the ends. How was the flow of smoke ever persuaded to start flowing through the flues instead of straight up like a proper fire? Did the wind never bow? The slightest cross draught would upset eyery thing. Even if it did work, what would be the point? I'm baffled, any one got any thoughts on this? Full instruction needed please Clive.....
  5. :rofl::rofl:Love the rear wheel arches, they should get a few cyclists on left handers....:shake:
  6. Sensible reply Paul, sorry to be a bit negative, but having having had my fair share of being broken down/towed myself I can testify that s**t happens to the stressed and unwary owner in times of trouble, nuff said. The title of this thread says it all really, which I hadn't read properly, count me in I will PM details. Maybe rename the board Transport Storage and Assistance?
  7. This is probably not a soak away as it breaks all the rules governing the design of such things, the broken lines may denote that those parts are hidden, under or behind summat, dunno what though Whatever flows through would be logical to say it goes from A to B.
  8. Restorations of this period always impress me, reliable info and parts being so hard to find. British Pathe has some great footage doesn't it? love that engine stand!
  9. I had my doubts because it must have been very tedious to use given the short length of drilling tubes that could be used, better than the old hand jumper though!
  10. Is it a machine that drills a hole and injects water/air down it? Perhaps in order to to cool/lubricate the cutter. Holes for blasting rock?
  11. :nono: All contract terms are in plain view in normal size print.........:coffee:
  12. No sweat Jack, looking at the new evidence before me it seems failure to follow obvious contract terms now apply. No need to send fee yet, no win no fee!
  13. I reckon there's absolutely no chance at all, you may wish to check the implied contract terms..................:writing: Jack, my fee is in the post.
  14. A friend of mine, sadly no longer with us, used to tell us that whist constructing a grass airfield (Milton Street, Sussex) he and his pals commandeered a local bigwig's RR and gleefully hacked the back off to fit a water tank in it's place!
  15. Paul these reasons are what has held me back from signing up to this scheme, there are other considerations like coning off and public liability, as most call outs seem to happen in the winter, after dark, and in the rain, as the owner usually only seeks help after a few hours trying to get going. Most MVs are green and low visibility. When a professional recovery firm arrives the driver is usually deemed to be in charge and left to it, this may not be so in the amateur case when the stressed owner thinks he knows best, resulting in chaos. Amongst mates who work well together it is probably OK, but I can see problems for the over enthusiastic and unwary, s*d's law rules! Don't get me wrong, I would be happy to help but for the above points. Just my point of view, I'm not against the basic idea, it could work well for a car club where most vehicles are the same small type/size and easily towed/trailered. Why not rename the board Transport Storage and Recovery?
  16. I've got one of these little 10" lathes, dated 1941 on the spindle bearings.
  17. It's no good Neil, the pixelation didn't work, we can still see that's you :-D
  18. As the HMVFTV link doesn't work any more here is the video mentioned earlier in this thread:
  19. Magnetos often don't work underwater? Those wire looking bits in front of him must be summat to do with it
  20. :rofl: Rescuing crews from DD tanks.
  21. Maybe there is water/liquid behind the wall, in the tank to the left, whatever he is doing will release this into the compartment he is standing in and fill it up, hence the scuba gear. Is he demonstrating how to fix and survive an accidental breach in the wall/lock gate or similar.
  22. They could have put him in a centrifuge!
  23. Is there only water below the slanting frame? and is there gas above? Is that a gas mask not diving equiptment?
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