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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Mine seems to have been in the bin before, as there seems to be some strange fungus growing on those men's clothing....:-D
  2. gritineye


    In case anyone missed it, some more these on Ivecos here: http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=12758&highlight=iveco And yes the brakes are sqeeeky..and the transfer box could be a weak point.
  3. I think those 'hooks' are just where the openings have been modified with a sledge hammer from the outside and so exposed the rebar.
  4. gritineye


    Hard to understand how anybody could happily drive around in a Jeep looking like that, I mean just look at that awful crooked spot light.......
  5. I have had this discussion with my local PO staff, there is only one woman who has ever wanted to see it and she just looks at it and hands it back, she says they have no facility or system for keeping them. I have taxed my Scammell historic MOT exempt since the class was introduced, I was only asked for this form for the first time by this woman, September 07, before that I just ticked the box. My PO does not hold the form in stock.
  6. Those shots of 91BD87 look like someone is playing 'let's try and get the Scammell stuck' although I wouldn't have thought it was stuck in the first one, doesn't every owner/driver pose theirs something like that at least once? well I have anyway As always interesting pix
  7. gritineye


    Thanks Graham, so the deep shaft is kept dry(ish) because it starts above the normal surface water level.........simples.
  8. OK I though you would have it,I am converting all my tapes to digital so will probably never look at the tapes again, just seemed a shame to waste it.
  9. Thanks Ruxy, that makes sense, would also explain the rusty state of it at the time I saw it.
  10. Jack, could you use another Mack N0 possibly complete with Long Tom? The Long Tom depends on transport.
  11. gritineye


    At the mouth of the River Cocker, named in a more genteel age...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River_Cocker
  12. Tim, I have come across a forgotten VHS tape called 'The best of military vehicles' that features footage of the Autocar on a earlier run and an interview with Steve with it on Brighton seafront, I think I bought it off a stall somewhere, if you don't have it would you like it?
  13. gritineye


    Will there be any moles to catch when it dries out? Do they have a trick, apart from sitting on top of their molehills?
  14. Yep, they work for me Rick, some amazing stuff there, may take a while to see it all..thanks
  15. So they wouldn't go through gateways then?........... God I'm so OLD!
  16. I saw the Treadlight fitted lightweight or one to the same spec sold at Blackbush mid 90's, having come from being used at Shoeburyness ranges, where I believe it can get pretty soft underfoot. Can't remember the price though. Does anyone know it''s original purpose?
  17. Surely a rhetorical question Jack?
  18. No I never saw your article, what number mag was it in? That ride was even worth getting told off for incorrect dress then, no wonder you didn't get off! That's nice, wrong colour for my taste but a good job well done. That answers NOS's question then, the engine does not make enough power at that scale even though he has used a lot of aluminium to keep the weight down. The book was very well made which I took to mean that he was a well educated man with time to spare and able to afford a good camera, they were photographs not snaps and good quality too. The water colour painting was also well executed. He would also have somewhere dry and clean to keep his stuff as it was very good condition, one of his family members apparently gave Chequers Court to the nation, which could explain all that. It is easy to loose someone's custom just by saying one word out of place, even after years, this class of person expects their tradesmen to behave with due deference, as I only worked by recommendation asking again for that book would not be the right thing to do......so sorry, no can do.
  19. Tim, it seems we have a common interest in Great War Holt tractors, I have always been fascinated them. One of my long term customers is a rather eccentric lady who's country cottage I have worked on over many years. Whilst clearing out a room in order to build a new dormer window I had to move her bookshelves, amongst the books was a hard back book with hand cut regimental insignia on the spine and cover called 'War Book' as I moved it I had a peek inside and could not believe what I saw, it appears her father was attached to a unit that used Holt tractors and big guns, this was his diary, there were loads of pictures of them on manoeuvres, lined up in walled gardens, being inspected etc. Some of the most interesting photos where of him and his mates mucking about, it seems they had a fancy to dress in female clothing taken from deserted houses, they may have been a concert party, maybe... The picture that most of us would reckon to be priceless was of a young soldier posing with his catapult, the caption said E.T.Lawrence, but unless any one knows better it was T.E. for sure! There where a lot of pages cut out by the censor, which was even more interesting in it's way but not very informative. Tucked into the back of the book was a cotton reinforced paper, maybe cut off a map, on which he had painted in watercolour, the 360 degree view from one of their gun positions depicting all the main targets along with compass bearings, ranges etc. this folded out to about 18" X 6" from memory, may have been smaller but I only had a short time as I felt guilty for looking but couldn't help myself! I had no time to memorise any details at all, just a quick flick through. As tactfully as I could I pretended to notice it later and said that it would be interesting to historians but she would have none of it and changed the subject very quickly, I wondered if the cross dressing had something to do with her attitude. This lady is elderly now and I have no doubt this book will end up on the tip, if it hasn't already, if only digital cameras had been about back then, I would have found a way!
  20. There must have been at least two, so unlikely to have have been a misplaced decimal point. On a property auction TV program I saw, they showed two women business partners, sat together eyes riveted on the auctioneer, bidding against each other, strangely they won the house at quite a high price. The auctioneer was deadpan throughout, priceless!
  21. Hi Borat, I have been reading your interesting account of your visit to the Great Dorset Steam Fair a few years ago. I wonder if, like Gorbachev, who after visiting Glastonbury Festival invented Glasnost, you took any cultural ideas from this festival back home with you and if these ideas have had made any lasting impression on your own country men (or goats) for better or worse? Or was that Cliv?
  22. Another great shot Alan, these pix of yours are always so packed with detail, always appreciated, thanks.
  23. Especially as at 1/4 size 1,000 rpm becomes 250 rpm............doesn't it?..:whistle:
  24. Not sure where to put this, thought it might interest GWT for one.. Something went wrong... I wish he'd keep his thumb away from the governor..:shake: Something went wrong...
  25. The only good thing to say about this is that a Explorer owner I know (who shall remain nameless) had a hub come off, and welded his nut on but it did not work, the weld kept cracking and every time the nut/hub came loose again. If yours is still in place it may mean the hub is tight on the taper, you have done a few miles like that after all. Possibly the easiest cure is to get another end casing complete with hub and fit that, you have to shim it to suit but a lot less trouble I would think, good luck with it whatever you decide to do.
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