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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Andy, the bolt through the bellows came undone in my unloader valve, was tricky to diagnose, it needs Locktite, but I'm sure you did that, just checking...
  2. In the parlance of the period, this would have been called "Negotiating a declivity"...:-D
  3. Not sure but looking at the area of the inlet/outlet pipes, all the cooling tubes would be needed at full flow, which would purge any collected heat, so no problem it being inverted.
  4. Confucius say, "If you cannot find the book for which you search, you obviously in the ......
  5. Who hasn't seen wheels with the lug nuts torched off and the tyre still on in scrapyards, farms and the like? Just shows how lucky some people are, good post thanks abn.
  6. Hi Clive, I once had the dubious pleasure of having my Explorer and trailer suspend towed 30 odd miles by a Martian recovery, progress was stately and yes that oil reservoir was burning my knees! Great looking trucks though.
  7. This looks like it's going to be a very interesting installation Mike, fitting a Cummins :thumbsup: is probably the single most effective thing that can be done to any petrol military wrecker (that is not in a museum, or Daisy) in order to maximise enjoyment and maintain the grin factor :-D Good choice Mark
  8. Well that's a fix worth knowing, wouldn't have thought it was possible. Good to know what the spanner looks like too, thanks for that Mike.
  9. Heard tell they really wanted to use Scammell Explorers on bargrips for this work, but couldn't find any divers skilled in prop-shaft greasing. Does make me wonder how any bar(non)grip fitted British MVs would fare in that environment, it seems grip and flotation is every thing there.
  10. You have to admire the determination of the drivers and the strength of these trucks to put up with this sort of stuff on a daily basis, :bow:maybe just one more wet log over the cab would have helped..:-D Something went wrong...
  11. Gave up on the Ruskies, cash needed for daughter's wedding, so going with new bargrips bought at Belters a couple of years ago, one old tyre has a cut in tread, one has side wall cut, noticed one is a Stolly tyre, all a bit brittle, changing now to save grief later.
  12. Yep, ages ago, then forgot to disengage the drive, good job I had a few feet of rope out when I next started up.:shake: remembered in time..........just Took one tyre off today with that new air tyre remover bought at Beltring, that tool is the bogs dollocks, so quick! I will time the next one and post pix if I could only find that thread again.
  13. Thanks for proving that I was right to leave my winch alone, I thought if i got some gun planks in the side brackets no one would be able to see it anyway.:-D never found any planks .......
  14. Well the bad news is that Floyd has his picture in there :shocked: the good news is that there is a large pic of you driving Forceful. The even worser news is that the headlamp is bent and you are named as driver, the even better news (for you) is that you can only be identified by your Tshirt, so you're safe from Jordan and the paparazzi! :-D
  15. Who said anything about Daisy, have you seen Pathfinder magazine?
  16. Rabbit on all you like Harry, love these type of anecdotes.:thumbsup:
  17. Have a look at this fabulous Mack and spot the similarities, offset cab, winch with capstan on the side, big mirror support box and so on. The Mack looks war time even if not military so may predate the Constructor..:whistle: Something went wrong... :shake:Washing my mouth out now................ this carbolic tastes awful! Mods sorry if this is in the wrong place, please feel free to move it.
  18. Just keep on grinning:drive:......Oh and keep greasing that rear prop!:-D
  19. Great stuff Pete, are you there yet? ......................................PARDON?
  20. So presumably if you own a field that has a footpath across it, then you can no longer let your kids play or learn to drive there using any form of motorised vehicle. Like wot we did...:-(
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