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Everything posted by Stormin

  1. Well after a few weeks break I was back on with the project at the weekend. The fuel tank which was removed last time was cleaned out and a new pick up pipe boss welded in. Thanks to DJM engineering for the welding. Second picture shows inside of tank after much crud wash washed out.
  2. 1. Gearbox may struggle with the extra torque of the 200 TDi if not in the best condition. The TDi revs slightly lower than the standard petrol ~4000rpm versus ~5000rpm. I'd consider an overdrive or maybe better still 3.5 ratio diffs (give the half shafts a better chance of surviving) 2. Wouldn't bother with the shocks, doubt you'll notice any difference on standard leaf springs. Parabolics are a different kettle of fish. 3. You may be should be able to run the TDi starter on 24volts no problem. May even give it an easier time as less amps used. Finding room to mount the generator may be a problem though. Heater plugs and temp senders should be available in 24volt versions. 4. I would absolutley definately upgrade your brakes. No matter how good you think they are you are going from a theoretical 70BHP to 111BHP if you fit the intercooler. Although the gearing and revs may limit the top speed the torque can get you into trouble a lot quicker. Save the money from the shocks to spend on the brakes, please. Be prepare to change half shafts on a regular basis unless you've got a salisbury rear axle or a gentle driving style. All TDi engined land rovers had permanent four wheel drive to share the torque across two axles rather than one.
  3. Think I saw this one advertised a while back but unfinished. Looks like it didn't sell then and the owner has completed the restoration now or at least painted it. The backdrop to the photo's just looks familiar from the previous ad I have in mind.
  4. Thanks CW. All is clear now. I'll be able to do one myself after this thorough tutorial of yours.
  5. Is one of the other liners loose there? Looks to be raised up next to the piston you've been working on. What holds the end of the injector nozzle on if it's only hand tight? Does it bear against something? How does it seal onto the extension if only hand tight? Just wondering seeing as injectors may have been the cause of your problems.
  6. Doesn't look too bad to me, for an old engine. Maybe check for cam and valve gear wear and then carb settings on rebuild to get a cleaner burn. Old engines were never as tight tolerances as newer designs and have more of a tendency to consume a bit of oil.
  7. Go on, string him along Neil. Be sure to keep us posted on the goings on. Could be quite humorous. :evil:
  8. I don't seem to recall were the post of Super Moderator falls within military rankings! However just in case:-
  9. Only to be used when responding to a post from a higher ranking officer. :-)
  10. See he likes his fuel to match the colour of his paintwork. :rofl: Looks like meadows diesel, from the block and heads but obviously different injector pump, inlet manifold and compressor to the green one posted by Andy.
  11. Can't you take your boat twelve miles off-shore or whatever puts you in international waters and fill up off a mobile tanker and avoid all tax?
  12. Got to admit it's a good while since I bought any for the steam cleaner but it used to be about half the price of white, what's happened that it's now 75% of cost of white? Surprised the farmers haven't been up in arms! Not worth trying to run your vehicle on the road on red now if there's that little price difference the risk of getting caught certainly isn't worth it. I've just drained 80 litres of red diesel out of my Ward La France tank ready for cleaning.
  13. 80 pence a litre :shocked: I thought you were trying to get diesel at off shore prices, UK tax (rip off) free at around 20p a litre or something. Then after November you were then forced to use UK red diesel, at agricultural tax rates, at approx 50p litre. Seems like I've missed something.
  14. I don't see what everyone is afraid of. It's only like charging a battery. The solution is only soapy water when all said and done. Obviously take sensible precautions like good ventilation, eye protection. It's not quite like electroplating which tend to use different electrolytes and toxic metals. The end result should be a more complete removal of rust than can be achieved either by blasting or wire brusing as it removes down to a microscopic level and doesn't leave rust spots in the pores. Quite like the sound of the Olive Drab passivate plating form Frost. Has any one used it and what are the results like?
  15. Sowhat is that insert in the top of the pistons? Looks like a poppet valve but I assume it's got some other relevance. Are you still on schedule to get to the fuel station before the price hike?
  16. I've seen plenty of sites describing this technique. Does tend to leave a blackened surface were rust has been removed though. Not tried it myself yet. Stuck with the dirty methods of wire wheeling and sand blasting. I guess the way to see if it suits your needs is try it on a test piece, preferably not something valuable.
  17. That clutch operating mechanism looks a bit complicated! Glad it was a bit simpler on my Ward La France. What's the can of polish for next to the gear levers? Surely it's a bit early for shining things up.
  18. Have you bought the high lift pallet truck specially for the job? Looks just the ticket.
  19. Most pedestrianised towns take delivery vehicles, usually artics with a 12 tonne axle load. Think most tanks would spread the 40 tonne load better so no real problem there. It'd only be a case of a few scratches on hard surfaces from steel tracks. These would soon fade after a bit of weathering.
  20. Hard to tell from the photo's but has that walkway been overplated with another type of flooring. Looks like it has and this has corroded away quicker than the original plate underneath. Looks like you've got a fair bit to re-fabricate there with the walkway alone.
  21. Hope you've got some breathing apparatus before considering going inside? Even after many years there can be high levels of fumes and low oxygen inside tanks.
  22. A lot of town centres are already pedestrianised these days so road closures wouldn't be too much of a problem. It would bring military vehicles to a lot of people who don't usually see them. And it would be free. I think you have to already have an interest to go and pay to see them at most shows. Seeing them in a town centre would presumably free. Think if you asked around a few towns you may find one that'd go for it as a way of pulling in crowds. With the current finiancial climate I bet a lot of town centres could do with a boost.
  23. Stormin

    What is it.

    I think that piston of yours is beyond repair though Catweasle!
  24. Jack, You seem to have the skill of avoiding too big a project so far. Those with less experience would have jumped in and given themselves a lifetimes work or a project they hadn't a hope of finishing. Hope I don't fall into that latter category.
  25. Yep whilst looking at pictures of a full truck looks like the boom on the C2 is telescopic but fixed on Ward La France. Rest of the crane is definately the same though.
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