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Everything posted by Stormin

  1. Got to be like the second one if you want to copy Grumpy's militant wheelies, when towing.
  2. Going to have to be modelled on the second variant then. At least that crane is positioned to make a decent lift. The first one is hanging out beyond the chassis rails and must need another outrigger. Even then the loading can't be huge or it'd surely distort the chassis. Probably wouldn't fit in with your Nokken winch just below either. The second crane looks to be more work to copy but would certainly make a reasonable recovery truck. Not sure about the capacity then as the 101 is only rated at 1 ton payload that crane must take half of that. Still I suppose if it's not used to lift on the road the vehicle can be overloaded when required.
  3. This one seems to be missing the horizontal groove above the arrow. This is the main part of and ordnance survey bench mark as it is were the plate sits in to rest a level staff or prism pole on.
  4. Why are the threads showing on the body bolts on left hand side under the Reverse light? Looks a lot more sound than the old one. Don't think that'd have been upto bringing back ben hur and WLF axle. Does the front axle mean more repairs required to the Ward La France or just for stock?
  5. Good work there Gritineye. And there was me thinking I'd seen a good percentage of surviving ones at Dorset. Seems there's more about than I thought. Only means a greater chance of owning one, oneday!
  6. I see the new entrance is open now. We went just before it was complete and there were quite a few tanks crammed in around the dining area. Did you get permission to publish the photographs? Decent photographs seem hard to get with the lighting in there. The hall with the vixen and other amoured cars seemed the best lit. Presume as you live close by you can take full advantage of your years membership. Can't see me getting down there again within the year.
  7. We've booked down for a return visit sometime soon as well. Sure our young son will enjoy the jousting and hawk display outdoors. Best bit is it's all free and not too far away.
  8. Aha! A WC56, I was wondering what that truck was. It was the rear bulkhead that confused me, obviously a later addition in galvanised but nicely done by the look of it.
  9. Thanks Mike. And thanks for the heads up on the data plates. After a bit of thought decided to go for them and they arrived Saturday. A bit expensive I thought but quite a comprehensive set. Won't need them for a while but didn't know if I'd see any come up for sale again later. Now I know the engine works I'll stick with it for the time being. Too much other work to do to think about changing it. May review the situation in a few years when it's getting some use.
  10. CW Just out of interest are those wet liners? Do they just rely on the cylinder head to keep them in place? Thought most cylinder liners had to press fitted into a heated block.
  11. Surely there are many vehicles that can be adapted to become loco's. Albeit by specialist approved firms. Many modern heavy haul tractor units are merely uprated everyday 40 tonners. Re-engineering a vehicle doesn't make it new. It would be similar to a kit car were either the donor vehicle age is taken of if not enough major components of the donor are used a Q plate is given. To classify as new all vehicle parts or a great percentage have to be newly manufactured.
  12. A few more attempts at starting and I was beginning to get demoralised wondering if I had a duff engine or some injector pump or timing problem. It was time for the last resort. A visit to the local garage for a can of easy start. A good squirt and crank and it burst into life. A few seconds enjoyment then I quickly reached for the stop lever. A few ups and downs along the way but a good end to the weekend. Hope to have the radiator repaired and installed soon for a longer test run.
  13. With the radiator due a visit to the reconditioning shop I again turned my attention to the engine. No luck with the oil gauge fitting with the spare connectors I had so a temporary solution to blank off the aperture. Oil pressure was known to be reasonable by the two foot jet produced whilst cranking on the starter. The lack of a radiator meant I wouldn't be running the engine for long but previous attempts had shown no signs of life. Cracking the couplings to the injectors showed fuel pressure at the injector inlets, but no sign of starting. Lifting the rocker cover seemed to show all was in order. The extra followers for the injectors can be seen here. And I thought cam operated injectors were a modern invention!
  14. This mornings jobs were to temporarily fit an oil pressure gauge and remove the radiator for inspection. Radiator removal is quite simple for such a large item. Removing the radiator from the frame was less so with years of corrosion to the bottom steel frame sealing it in.
  15. A later visit on Saturday just to show the missus what I'd bought and why she wouldn't be seeing as much of me for a while. Whilst there decided to add some water to the radiator ready for a trial run the following day. After a few seconds delay I heard running water. No bottom hose fitted and what looked like a leak from the radiator near the bottom.
  16. Well yesterday was a short day on the WLF due to other commitments. Got the wires in from battery to starter via foot switch. Foot switch was seized with paint so freed that off. Got the engine to turn over on foot switch, but not fire. Good job as oil pressure built up and squirted from an aperture at the rear of the engine. This must be the fitting for an oil pressure gauge but all the gauges are missing from the dash at the moment.
  17. Just googled Cummins Model H and come up with this manual on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/1942-Cummins-Model-H-Series-Diesel-Engine-Manual-WWII_W0QQitemZ110288776936QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20080912?IMSfp=TL0809121110005r37321 The posted picture seems to show an engine with three cylinder heads, Gardner Style. Although this is for a presumably later model 1942 engine.
  18. Thanks for the information so far Tony. Are you sure the bore and stroke aren't reversed on that K model. Surely stroke would be larger than bore? May need to pick your brains on the injection side of things when I come to try and start it again.
  19. Sort of confirms my worst fears about the engine being a plodder. The original petrols revved to 2400rpm with max speed of 45mph. 1800rpm is going to struggle to get the vehicle to 35mph! Anyone know of a higher ratio transfer box for a Ward La France?
  20. Definately on the list to do. Looks ugly anyway and I need get some bottom hoses sorted out as well.
  21. If anyone can tell me the model of Cummins motor and any information I'd be very pleased to here. Here's some more pictures of the Cummins.
  22. What tyres did you manage to sell him then? Bit difficult to find tyres for a 101 so could be interested in a set. Would prefer original 900x16 Bar grips.
  23. Stormin


    Good luck Jack. After owning a Jimmy the only way is to get something even bigger! Anything else would be a backward step, one you would only regret.
  24. Unfortunately the free spool doig clutch is seized at the moment. Looks like just removing a few layers would be enough to get clearance. Hopefully never need to put the starting handle near it again.
  25. Yes there is another one for spares. Bought and paid for both but only collected the one so far.
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