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Posts posted by ashley

  1. Hi all,

    i could say great, i could say awesome, i could say fantastic there again i could say bloody great, bloody awesome, bloody fantastic........but none of these are enough are able to describe the day and i only popped along to hello to all in the field but was offered a ride in the dodge (piccys to follow)

    well done all for organising this and to all who took part, the non stop grins on faces all day and on arrival back at camp said it all:D:D:D:D:D:D:D.


    Many will remember the day HMVF rolled down the country lanes and into town,espechially the odd one or two who refused to heed warnings only to be met by the armour bearing down in front of them.


    The D.R.s were very impressive inthier own right and carried out a fantastic job.



    So when is the next one ? and can i come along please



  2. Hi all,

    i am sure that there is an example of at least one of the early practice bombs displayed here in Dorset which was recovered from the sea a few years ago. I don`t remember exactly where but i belive in the Lulworth area.


    The actual testing took place off Chesil Beach and the example of the test bomdb is apparently on display at Abbotsbury









    Very interesting and worth keeping apace with.
  3. Hi Ginge,

    welcome to the forum.


    Remember Tidworth well (lived there twice :nut: 61-64 the days when vehicles were never locked and they had thier own fire service) down in the old M.Q.`s, also on dads return to U.K in 73-74 on the hill heading towards P.D. he was also a member of the R.E.s for 25 yrs.


    If your out on the plain watch out for forum member Plain Military as he may appear from behind a bush flashing away ...........(with his camera) :cool2:


  4. lot number 520 if it helps.





    Hiya Marty,


    I guess the Gaz 67B came to Norway from Korea in the early 1950's?


    The North Koreans / Chinese used quite a few Gaz 67B from Russian surplus stocks. Several Gaz 67B wound up in the United States. I've seen two myself during my travels in the States.


    Which auction will it appear in? Perhaps you can post a link to the auction?


    Kind regards


    Goran N


  5. Hi Ray,

    i did the treadmill test a few years ago after heart problems, that too was abruptly halted mid way through and i was led to a chair and instructed to sit down (though i felt fine). Have had a couple of cardio versions since, i keep taking the tablets and am due in again next month for an ablation operation. I shall have to seehow i feel after that,may be able to run to the beer tent faster.



  6. A good friend of mine now departed (not through this incident) was looking at his bayonet collection one wet afternoon, whilst examining a F&S fighting knife the door bell rings puts knife down on setee and answers door.......returns sits down on setee only to have the knife which had fallen down between the cushions ehter his thigh and protrude out the other side...luckily no permanent damage just a hospital appointment and a very sore leg for a few weeks :blush: :embarrassed: :cry:


    Also as i found out never try and prise of a battery terninal with a German WW1 fighting knife as it is long enough to touch both terminals at the same time ZAP!! :blush: :D



  7. Hi all

    It seems that in the not to distance past the British WW1 tank was run as the flagship untill it deterorated via stress cracks in the main frame, then as another crowd puller and obtainer of lottery monies the Tiger was promoted as flag ship for the museum,and some of the tales (some must be true) that eminated from that restorationare beoyned belief. Now we know that German engineering is very complicated and the engines were prone to faliure (but how many hours has it run ??) and i am sure a a suitable maybe more modern type could be found.


    Also please remember not all reguard the Tiger worthy of spending monies on.



  8. Hi Ray,

    these "ramblings" probaly apply to many ex-servicemen from the mid forties onwards ,though i never served and as said befor i have also been to the places and expiriences as your self though at a later period in time. Whenever i left Hamm i couldn`t wait to get away yet though i moved with a different set at mates whilst at home from school i was always glad to get back to Hamm, to live the alternative life. Even though most of my mates attended the same school and we bumped in to each other frequently the friends there were your dormatory co -habitors and despite interactions with others they were your main mates and trusted companions no matter what happend.


  9. Hi all,

    i remember during my time in Germany all the barracks /camps/ schools still used the origonal german sirens fitted to the tops of buildings (like large mushrooms on thin stalks) a supposedly fire drill (actuall a warning of Russian invasion) every third Wednesday of the month.

    As there were seveal establishments in each town (in our area at least three others in a couple of miles radius) they all seem to run in succesion of each otheri.e. as one finished ...one started up, very erie.



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